GreeceCSD Functional Behavior Assessment

Steps to Completing an FBA

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  • Last updated June 8, 2020 at 8:26 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
[1] Watch the video, A Summary of Functional Behavioral Analysis [2] Tell the first 3 steps and explain why those steps are important in determining the function of the behavior

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Three Steps for an FBA

The First step is defining the behavior. This is important to see if the FBA is working to correct the behavior. 
Step Two is collecting data on the behaviors. This is important for staff to gather data to better understand the behavior and whats causing it. 
Step three is to identify the function of the behavior. This is to help better understand why the behavior is happening. 
crystalrobinson Almost 2 years ago

Identify. Data collector in the classroom is observing Collect data. When, Where, How. Identify: Obtain or avoid things

adam-wawrzyniak About 2 years ago

first 3 steps of FBA

The first step is to identify and define the behavior that is problematic and determine a replacement behavior.  This is an important step, because everyone involved and observing must be focused on the correct behavior.  The second step is to collect data on the behavior. This data helps to determine when, where and how often or how long the behavior is occurring.  The 3rd step is to identify the function of the behavior- what motivates the targeted behavior.  Is the student engaging in the behavior to obtain something or for avoidance?  When these 3 steps are done well, a good behavior plan can be put into place.    
kylie-anderson Almost 3 years ago


Step 1: Identify and define problem and replacement behaviors. This is important in order to ensure any observer who collects data in the classroom is observing the correct behaviors.

Step 2: Collect data on the behaviors. This is important to provide information on where, when and how frequently the problem or target behavior currently occurs and how long it lasts. 

Step 3: Identify the function of the behavior. This is important to determine whether the function of the behavior is to obtain or avoid things like attention, items, activities or sensory conditions.
marisa-teeter Almost 3 years ago

FBA steps 1-3

1. Identify and clearly define the problem and replacement behaviors to ensure that anyone observing or collecting data can do so accurately.
2. Collect data on the behavior(s) to provide information on setting, frequency and duration. This can include identifying antecedents, consequences and baseline data.
3. Identify the function of the behavior; does it serve to obtain or avoid (tangible or attention). Once the function is identified, replacement behaviors can be taught that serve the same function.
kaleigh-schwarz Almost 3 years ago

Steps 1-3

1) Define the challenging behavior in an objective way.
2) Gather and Analyze the information ( team pulls in info and data about the behavior)
3)Find out the reason for the behavior
These 3 steps are important in helping the team move forward with writing a Behavior improvement plan. 
The team creates a plan based on its best guess. Here’s where the school creates the BIP to teach and encourage positive behavior by the student. Often, as the team learns more, it will need to adjust the plan.
mscarpa81 Almost 3 years ago

1. identify/define problem. and replacement behaviors 2. collect data on behaviors 3. identify the function the behavior let us plan fba

kellypetzing Over 3 years ago


Step 1: Identify and define problem and replacement behaviors-this needs to be specific and objective to unsure the behaviors are accurate.This is important in order to identify the specific behaviors accuracy.
Step 2: Collect data on the behaviors-this is provide data on when, where and how frequent the behaviors are. This can be done using checklists and interviews with the student, teachers and parents. Baseline data is also collected through observation.This is important to determine why the behavior is happening and the consequences that appear to be maintaining it. 
Step 3: Identify the function of behavior-A functional assessment matrix can be helpful in determining whether the behavior is being used to avoid something, get attention or obtain tangible items or activities. This is important because it tells what the student wants or is trying to avoid and when and why if triggers behaviors.
kbentley77 Over 3 years ago

completing FBA

Step 1: Identify and define problem and replacement behaviors, Its is important to know the cause in why certain students are acting out of character so the first step is identifying the problem!

Step 2: Collecting Data. This means providing info on the behavior that is occurring

Step 3: Identify the function of the behavior. A solution to identifying the behavior from time to time is to make a Functional Assessment Matrix also know as a chart

nicole-habgood Over 3 years ago

First 3 Steps

The first three steps in an FBA are to identify and define the problem and replace the behavior. This step is important so the person collecting the data for the student is observing the correct behaviors. The second step is to collect the data. By doing this is shows when the behaviors occur, where they were when it happened, how often/long they happen.  Step three is to identify the function of the behavior.  Creating a chart when the behaviors happen helps to determine if the behavior is to avoid tasks or obtain things such as attention, sensory issues, or items/games they can receive.
kligus Over 3 years ago

The first 3 steps of completing an FBA are extremely important in determining the function of behavior.

The first 3 steps of completing an FBA are extremely important in determining the function of behavior.  Step 1 in completing an FBA is to define the problem behavior as well as a replacement behavior.  This is important as it will help to insure that anyone collecting data in the classroom is observing the correct behavior.  Step 2 is collecting data on the behavior.  This data will show when, where or how frequently the target behavior occurs and how long the behavior lasts.  The third step is to identify the function of the behavior.  The function could be to obtain or avoid various things or situations.  The behavior could also be sensory motivated as well.  
hdeholla Over 3 years ago

The first 3 steps in completing an FBA: *Identify and define problem and replacement behaviors. *Collecting data *Identify the function

Step 1: Identify and define problem and replacement behaviors. In this step, the problem behavior needs to communicated using specific details and not broad or general terms. it is in this step that an appropriate replacement behavior should also be discussed. 

Step 2: Collecting data. Data collection for completing an FBA should include ABC data, and observed and documented instances of when and where the problem behavior is occurring as well as how often and the duration. Speaking with the student, the parent/guardian, teachers and other staff will help provide important data for the completion of the FBA.

Step 3: Identify the function. Using the matrix and the information gathered a hypothesis can be made as to why the behavior is occurring. Is the student trying to obtain or avoid things like attention, certain tangibles, preferred or nonpreferred activities, or to meet certain sensory needs.
abyron Over 3 years ago