GreeceCSD Functional Behavior Assessment

Steps to Completing an FBA

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  • Last updated June 8, 2020 at 8:26 AM
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[1] Watch the video, A Summary of Functional Behavioral Analysis [2] Tell the first 3 steps and explain why those steps are important in determining the function of the behavior

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3 step process to identify target behavior, collect data and identify the function of the behavior

Step 1  - team clearly identifies the targeted behavior and identifies a replacement behavior.
Step 2 - team collects observable data on targeted behavior (Where, When and How frequently) 
Step 3 - team works to identify the function of the behavior. (Obtain items or avoid situations, sensory)
chad-ewell Over 1 year ago

Steps of FBA and its importance

The first 3 steps are: 
1. identify and define problem and replacement behaviors. It allows anyone who is observing in the classroom what exactly they are looking for. 
2. Data collection. It allows the team to know the when, why, and how frequently/ or long these behaviors occur.  This can be done through tallys, interview, ABC form or direct observation. 
3. Identify the function of the behavior. It allows us to see into what is causing the student's behavior (what are they looking to obtain or avoid) 
bethany-berger Over 1 year ago

Steps 1-3

Step 1: Identify and define the problem and desired replacement behavior. 
Step 2: Collect data
Step 3: Identify the function of the behavior. 

These steps are important because you need an identified problem to have an FBA, data to show it is occurring, and what comes out of the data to show the pattern(s) in hopes of identifying the function of the behavior. All the above steps need to be in place to determine a 'problem' and then data to show a problem has correctly been identified. 
desiree1 Over 1 year ago

steps for fba

1. Identify and define the behavior that is observable. 
2. Collect data on behavior to provide the rare or frequent and intensity or duration of the behavior. Consequences are also recorded. 
3. Identify the function of the behavior including escape, tangible, attention, or sensory. 

kyle-kucsmas Over 1 year ago

During the process of gathering information the team needs to take the necessary steps.

The steps of an FBA

During an FBA, the school team gathers information and uses it to create a plan to improve behavior. Here are the steps the team takes.
1. Define the challenging behavior.An FBA starts by defining the student’s behavior in a specific and objective way. For example, instead of saying the student is “defiant,” the team might say the student “rips up worksheets and doesn’t respond when asked to show work in math class.”
2. Gather and analyze information.Next, the team pulls together information and data about the behavior. It may look at school records, interview school staff who know and work with the student, and screen or test the student. The goal is to answer questions like:
  • When and where is this behavior happening?
  • Where is it not happening?
  • How often is the behavior occurring?
  • Who is around when it occurs?
  • What tends to happen right before and right after the behavior?
The student can provide this information, too. Only kids know how they feel in the moment. Asking them to keep track of feelings and emotions helps the team. The team might also note how classmates react.
3. Find out the reason for the behavior.Using the information collected, the team makes their best guess about what’s causing the behavior. It may be that the student is trying to escape or avoid something, for example.
4. Make a plan.Finally, led by the school psychologist or a behavior specialist, the team creates a plan based on its best guess. Here’s where the school creates the BIP to teach and encourage positive behavior by the student. Often, as the team learns more, it will need to adjust the plan.
justin-mull Over 1 year ago

1 - Identify problem behavior 2 - Observe behaviors 3 - Identify function of behavior

These first 3 steps help us learn about the behaviors, why they occur, and how we can successfully address them with  the student.
scott-cassidy Over 1 year ago


The first step is to clearly identify the problem and the replacement behaviors. If the team doesn't know specifically which behavior to look for, it could impact the data that will be collected and cause confusion. Then, collect data on the behaviors such as when and where the behaviors do and do not occur, and how frequently they occur. This can later help in determining if the student is trying to either seek or avoid something. Checklists and interviews can be used within the team as well as an ABC form. Baseline data needs to be collected so the third step can be done which is to analyze to determine the function of the behavior before a strategy or intervention is put in place at which time more data can be collected to determine the effectiveness of the plan.
julie-austin Over 1 year ago

Identify behavior- so the behavior is clear to all, Collect data- when, where, and how often it occurs, Function-why the behavior occurs

erin-stjames Almost 2 years ago

Steps of FBA

Step 1--Identify and define the behavior in measurable and observable terms
This is an important step because everyone involved and observing must be focused on the correct behavior

Step 2--Collect data on the behavior
This is important to provide information on when, where, and how frequently the behavior occurs.

Step 3--Identify the function of the behavior
It is important to determine whether the function of the behavior is to obtain or avoid things (tangible or attention).  Once the function is identified, replacement behaviors can be taught.
dannig Almost 2 years ago

FBA Analysis:

Step 1: the first step in FBA is defining the behavior(s). This is a crucial step, as targeting the wrong behavior or improperly defining the behavior confounds the process. Differing levels of intensity should be discussed during this step.

Step 2: the second step is gathering data with fidelity. This is also a crucial step, as the data gathered during this step will serve as the baseline data and also help determine the function of the behavior. 

Step 3: step three is to use all data and observations to finally determine the function of the behavior. This is vital, as determining the wrong function may lead to implementation of behavioral strategies that may not be targeted/appropriate. 
marrone13 Almost 2 years ago

Steps to completing FBA

Step 1: The team identifies and defines the problem and replacement behaviors. Clearly defining this ensures that any observer who collects data in the classroom is observing the correct behaviors.
Step 2: Collect data on the behaviors. The data provides information on when, where and how frequent the problem or target behavior currently occurs. 
Sep 3: Identify the function of the behavior it determines whether the function of the behavior serves to obtain or avoid things such as attention, tangible items or sensory conditions. 
nicole-fabian Almost 2 years ago

What is required to complete an FBA--Steps 1-3

Step 1:  The first step is to define the behavior in an observable way.  For example, instead of saying the student is harming others, a more specific, measurable and objective definition might be something like: The student throws scissors and pencils directly at students heads.

Step 2:  This next step is where information is gathered about the behavior.  When tracking the behavior you need to look at when and where the behavior occurs (and when and where it may not be occurring too), how often the behavior occurs, how long the behavior lasts, who might be around when the behavior occurs and the antecedents and consequences of the behavior.  

Step 3: This step is where the team tries to figure out the function of the behavior--or what is the student getting from engaging in this behavior.  For example, are they getting wanted attention or are they getting out of a task they don't like. 
rachelley Almost 2 years ago