Heather Pawlukiewicz

Steps to Completing an FBA

The first 3 steps of completing an FBA are extremely important in determining the function of behavior.

  • February 3, 2021 at 9:49 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
The first 3 steps of completing an FBA are extremely important in determining the function of behavior.  Step 1 in completing an FBA is to define the problem behavior as well as a replacement behavior.  This is important as it will help to insure that anyone collecting data in the classroom is observing the correct behavior.  Step 2 is collecting data on the behavior.  This data will show when, where or how frequently the target behavior occurs and how long the behavior lasts.  The third step is to identify the function of the behavior.  The function could be to obtain or avoid various things or situations.  The behavior could also be sensory motivated as well.