GreeceCSD Functional Behavior Assessment

Steps to Completing an FBA

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  • Last updated June 8, 2020 at 8:26 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
[1] Watch the video, A Summary of Functional Behavioral Analysis [2] Tell the first 3 steps and explain why those steps are important in determining the function of the behavior

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Steps of FBA

Step 1: Identify and define problem and replacement behaviors.
Step 2: Collect data.
Step 3: Identify the function of the behavior.

Following these 3 first steps are important in order to accurately address the behavior. The team should select one behavior at a time for assessment. If there are multiple problem behaviors, the team should select the most interfering or impactful behavior to assess and address. Once the team has assessed and addressed the problem behavior, effectively reducing it, the team may consider assessing and intervening on other problem behaviors, if they remain. It is most beneficial to dedicate resources to the most impactful behavior. Other problem behaviors may fade away as an effective intervention plan is developed for the most interfering behavior. 
Gathering data to carefully analyze the relationship between antecedents (events or situations preceding the behavior), the behavior itself, and the consequences (what happens immediately after the behavior). This analysis helps identify potential patterns and triggers.
Based on the data collected, develop a hypothesis about the function or purpose of the behavior. This hypothesis serves as a working theory that guides further investigation: Is the behavior constantly occurring when the child is given a demand? Are there other setting events (e.g., didn’t sleep well at night)?What kinds of consequences is the child receiving?
kellypalmeri 4 months ago

3 steps to an FBA

Step 1- Define the behavior : this important so that everyone is on the same page about what the behavior is and what it looks like when the student engages in the behavior
Step 2- Take Baseline date : this is important to have a baseline of how often the student is engaging in the behavior, how intense the behavior is, and how long it is. This is also important to have a baseline to measure all future data against to see if plans for changing the behavior are working
Step 3- Define the function : this is important to help understand why the student is engaging in the behavior, this will help with deciding on interventions and replacement behaviors to teach the student.

erin-davis 4 months ago


1. The team must identify and define the problem and replacement behaviors. Clearly defining the behaviors ensures that the observer collecting the data is observing the correct behaviors. 
2. Collect data on the behavior to provide information on when, where, and how frequently the target behavior occurs or how long it lasts. Checklists and interviews are common ways to look for trends or patterns in behavior.
3. Determine the function of the behavior. Determining the  function of the behavior is essential so a targeted/specific plan can be instituted to help reduce the behaviors, teach appropriate replacement behaviors, and how to best support the student so they can experience a level of success as they move forward. 
erin-lamonaco 4 months ago

Steps in Completing an FBA

Step 1 in completing the FBA is identifying and defining the problem and replacement behaviors.  This is important because then anyone observing the previously defined behavior is witnessing the correct behaviors.
Step 2 in completing the FBA is to collect data on the previously defined behaviors.  This explains the how frequently, where, and why of the behavior data.  This can be done with direct observation of the student, charts, graphs, checklists and interviews.  Using the ABC analysis gives the antecedent, behavior and consequence.  Baseline data is taken.
Step 3 is to identify the function of the behavior after data is collected.  A functional assessment matrix can be given to determine what the student is trying to obtain from the behavior like  attention, work avoidance or tangible objects
melissa-gourlay 4 months ago


  1. Identify and Define the Problem Behavior and Replacement Behavior: Making sure that this is clearly defined for all adults working with the student and responsible for collecting data. It cannot be based on perspective, it needs to be clearly defined and mutually understood by all.
  2. Collect Data on Behavior: Data is going to allow us to see patterns in behavior. 
  3. Determine the Function of the Behavior: The function of the behavior is needed before interventions can be appropriately designed to best support the student moving forward. 

julia-zarrillo 4 months ago

Steps of FBA

Step 1. Identify and Define the Problem Behavior and Replacement Behavior
This step is important so that it is clear to everyone collecting data what the behaviors looks like so they're tracking the right things. 

Step 2. Collect Data on Behavior
Taking a lot data in all settings is important to help show trends in when/where behaviors occur. 

Step 3. Determine the Function of the Behavior
Figuring out why the student is engaging in the behavior is important so that you can figure out a plan to help reduce the behaviors/teach appropriate replacement behaviors that meet the same function for the student. 
ashley-melinis 4 months ago

First 3 Steps of FBA

The 3-Steps:

1. Identify and define problem behavior and replacement behavior
2. Collect data
3. Determine the function of the behavior

The importance of these steps helps data collectors know what to look for, tells us when, how, where and how frequent the behavior happens. These data collections helps us identify the function of the behavior. When we are able to know the function of the behavior, we can have a better determination for an appropriate intervention plan.
stephancastelli 4 months ago

Steps to Completing an FBA

1.       Identify and define the problem and replacement behaviors.
2.       Collect data on the behaviors : When, where and how frequently the behavior occurs and how long it lasts
3.       Identify the function of the behavior
sueellenstacey 4 months ago

First 3 steps and why they are important

First three steps to an FBA:
1) The team must identify and define the problem and replacement behaviors (so any observer will collect the correct data of the behavior)
2) Collect data on the problem behavior
3) Identify the function of the behavior
These first three steps are important because it sets the baseline for the behavior and what consequences are reinforcing the behavior to continue. 
heather-nathan 4 months ago

First 3 steps of the FBA...

Step 1: The team must identify and define the problem and replacement behaviors. The clear definitions make sure that that the observer is accurately recording the behavior. 
Step 2: The team must collect data on the behaviors, showing when, where, and how frequently the behaviors are occurring. 
Step 3: The team determines the function of the behavior: attention, escape, tangible rewards, or sensory/automatic. 

Defining the problem behavior with specific descriptors is vital so that there is consistency among any and all data collectors. The collection of the data should include the antecedents to the behavior and the consequence immediately following the behavior. Analyzing the trends of that data should provide the team with a fairly accurate inference as to what the function of the behavior is. Once the function is known, the team can try to plan replacement behaviors that will fill the same function and come up with a plan for teaching those behaviors.
katherine-boggs 4 months ago

FBA have 7 steps

Steps 1. The team must identify and define the problem and replacement behavior clearly.
Setps 2.Is to collect data on the behaviors.
Setps 3. Is to identify the funtion of the behaviors
Setps 4. Is to designa funcion based intervention in which the replacement behaviors serves the same funtion as the problem.
Setps 5. Includes planning rol social validity implementation fidelity and generalization and maintenance.
Setps 6.Is to implement the intervention collecting data on both the problem and replacement behaviors.
Setps 7. Entails evaluating the intervention.
shaileennegron 4 months ago


Step 1- Team will identify and define the problem behaviors and replacement behaviors. It is important to identify what behaviors are most impacting the student. It ensures any person who collects data can can collect the correct information in order to make the plan. 

Step 2-collecting the data on the behaviors that were defined in step 1. The data helps to determine the ABC's of the behavior and can help find the pattern and the why of the behavior. Baseline data is also collected to use for progress monitoring the behavior.

Step 3-Identify the function of the behavior. This step is where the team uses the data collected to see the function of the behavior. It could be attention seeking, avoid, obtain or to escape. 

kara-germano 5 months ago