GreeceCSD Functional Behavior Assessment

Steps to Completing an FBA

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  • Last updated June 8, 2020 at 8:26 AM
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[1] Watch the video, A Summary of Functional Behavioral Analysis [2] Tell the first 3 steps and explain why those steps are important in determining the function of the behavior

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completing an FBA

  1. Identify and define the problem and replacement behaviors. Defining the behavior clearly ensures that any observer collecting the data is observing the correct behavior.
  2. Collect Data on the behavior. This data will answers questions like when, where, and how frequently the behavior persists. This can be tracked using checklists and interviews. 
  3. Identify the function of the behavior. You can use a functional assessment matrix to determine what conditions are driving the behavior.
stephen-ladley 6 months ago

Steps of Completing an FBA

Step 1 Identify the problem/replacement behaviors
Step 2 Collect data on when, where, and how long the behavior lasts-- use ABC form for assistance 
Step 3 Identify the function of the behavior

These steps are important towards helping understand the function of the behavior by examining at the antecedents, behaviors and consequences. With these 3 steps, it will be clear about where to begin. Replacing the challenging behaviors with the ideal replacement behaviors is crucial for an FBA
jacquelinet 8 months ago


1. Identify and Define the Problem Behavior and Replacement Behavior
2. Collect Data
3. Determine the Function of the Behavior

These steps are important because they provide structure and accountability to those facilitating the FBA. Additionally, this ensures that the proper steps are followed that work the best and gather the most information. 
karlee-cousins 9 months ago

3 steps

The first 3 steps of an FBA are

1. Identify and define problem behavior and replacement behavior
2. Collect data
3. Determine the function of the behavior

These steps are important because it helps data collectors know what to look for, tells us when, how, where and how frequent the behavior happens. The data collection helps us identify the function of the behavior. When we know the function of the behavior, we can determine an appropriate intervention plan.
amberspencer 9 months ago

Steps in FBA Process

1. Identify and Define the Problem & Replacement Behaviors: the observers must be sure they are collecting data on the correct behaviors which are identified by the team prior to data collection. 

2. Collect Data: this step provides information on the frequency, location, duration, and when the behavior/s occur. A common form for collection is an ABC chart. This helps to see what happens before the behavior, the behavior itself, and the consequences of the behavior.

3. Function of Behavior/s - once the data is collected, then the team can determine why the behavior/s are occurring. Often the behaviors happen for attention, to avoid tasks, or to receive something tangible. 
joseph-nesci 11 months ago

3 steps in FBA

1. Identify the problem and replacement bahviors 
2. collect data 
3 identify the function of the behavior
all three steps are just as important, collecting data can show trends, times and triggers. Identifying the problem behavior then replacing them with new behaviors. And figuring out the function of the behavior, what’s behind it, and why ! 
juicebox1002 12 months ago

Completing the FBA

Step 1- Identify the problem and replacement behaviors.
Step 2- Collect data on when, where, and how long the behavior lasts. Can possibly use ABC form for assistance. 
Step 3- Identify the function of the behavior.

These steps are important towards helping understand the function of the behavior by clearly looking at the antecedents, behaviors and consequences. By analyzing all three, you can get a good starting point on where to begin the work of replacing the challenging behaviors with the ideal replacement behaviors. 
wiyse1 12 months ago

First 3 Steps of FBA

Define Behavior
Define in measurable and observable terms.
Evaluate behavior in terms of Frequency, Duration and Intensity.

Collect Data 
Gather data to determine the cause and function of the behavior.

Create a Behavior Intervention Plan
The plan should include positive supports and replacement behaviors.
Monitor Implementation looking to see behavior is the behavior is increasing or decreasing.
howard-grant About 1 year ago

Important steps to an FBA

Step 1.  Identify and define the problem and replacement behaviors.  The defining of the behaviors helps the observer to collect data on the correct behavior.

Step 2.  To collect data on the behavior.  This helps provide information on the when, where and how frequently the behavior occurs.  This can be done using checklist and interviews with the student, teachers and parents as well as direct observation i.e. ABC analysis.

Step 3.  Identify the function of the behavior.  Using a functional matrix can be helpful in determining what the behavior is trying to accomplish.  For example, the behavior could be to obtain or avoid certain things like attention or activities.
sabate About 1 year ago

Steps to completing an FBA

The first three steps to create an FBA are as follows:
1.) Clearly identify and define the problem and replacement behaviors. This is important because it ensures that any observer who collects the data is observing and measuring the correct behaviors. 

2.) Collect Data on the behaviors. This will provide information on when, where, how frequently and how long the target behavior is occurring. This can be done using checklists, interviews, and direct observation. 

3.) Identify the function of the behavior. The team needs to determine whether the function of the behavior serves to either obtain or avoid things like attention, tangible items or activities. 

All of these steps are important because when creating an intervention plan, we need to make sure that the intervention matching the function of the behavior in order to be effective and reduce/change the behavior. 
ashley-baker About 1 year ago

3 Steps to Completing an FBA

Step 1:  The team identifies and defines the problem and replacement behaviors.  The team must clearly define the behaviors so that anyone observing would be able to observe said behaviors.  

Step 2:  Data is collected on the behaviors to provide information about when, where, and how frequently the student is demonstrating the behaviors.  Also important is to determine how long the behavior lasts.  This can be done with checklists and interviews with the student and parents. An ABC Checklist is an ideal tool for identifying the behavior and the consequences of maintaining it.

Step 3:  After data has been collected, the next step is to identify the function of the behavior.  A functional assessment matrix is helpful to determine if the behavior is used to avoid performing certain tasks, receive attention or tangible items or activities or sensory conditions.
amy-domm About 1 year ago

Video "A Summary of Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA)"

The first 3 steps of creating an FBA are used to determine a behavior's function.
Step 1 is to clearly identify and define problem and replacement behaviors so that when data is collected through observation, the correct behaviors are being measured.
Step 2 is to use checklists, interviews, or direct student observations such as ABC analysis (Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequences) to collect data on when, where, how frequently, and for how long the target behavior occurs.
Step 3 is to identify the function of the behavior (to obtain attention, obtain tangible items, avoid activities, or sensory conditions)

These first 3 steps are important because the intervention must match the same function of the behavior in order to be effective.
iangupton About 1 year ago