GreeceCSD Functional Behavior Assessment

Steps to Completing an FBA

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  • Last updated June 8, 2020 at 8:26 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
[1] Watch the video, A Summary of Functional Behavioral Analysis [2] Tell the first 3 steps and explain why those steps are important in determining the function of the behavior

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A Summary of FBA

The first step in the FBA process includes defining the behavior in measurable and observable terms.  This is vital so observers are able to understand what they are tracking in order to include the frequency and durations as well as the severity.  The next step involves collecting data in order to determine the antecedents, triggers, and consequences in addition to the frequency, duration and intensity of the target behavior.  The third step would be to analyze the data in order to formulate a working hypothesis as to the function underlying the behavior. 
carolyn-raus Over 1 year ago

Completing a FBA

1. Define the problem and desired replacement behaviors. This ensures that everyone understands and agrees on the behaviors that need to be addressed.
2. Collect data on the behaviors. This involves gathering information on when, where, and how often the target behaviors occur. Data collection methods can include checklists, interviews with parents and teachers, and direct observations using the ABC analysis (Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence). This data provides a baseline for developing a plan.
3. Determine the function of the behavior. This helps to understand whether the behavior is driven by a desire to obtain something or avoid something. A functional assessment may be used to identify the underlying purpose of the behavior.
iannieboer Over 1 year ago

3 Steps of FBA

Step 1: Identify and define the problem and replacement behaviors. In this step it is important to know the cause of why certain students are acting out of character. In this step an appropriate replacement behavior should be discussed. 

Step 2: Collecting Data. Here you are providing information on the behavior that is occurring. You should include ABC data, and observed and documented instances of when and where the problem behavior is occurring as well as how often and the duration. 

Step 3: Identifying the function. Using the matrix and the information gathered, a hypothesis can be made as to why the behavior is occurring. Is the student trying to obtain or avoid things like attention, certain tangibles, preferred or non-preferred activities. This is important so a solution to identifying the behavior can be made. 
holtfoth13 Over 1 year ago

First 3 steps of FBA

Step 1 - Identify and define the problem and replacement behaviors.  This vis done to clearly define the the behaviors so that those who collect data in the classroom observe the correct behavior.

Step 2 - Collect data on the behaviors.  The purpose of the data is to provide information on when, where, and how frequently the problem/target behavior occurs, and how long it lasts.

Step 3 - Identify the function of the behavior.  This is done to determine if the function of the behavior is to obtain or avoid something.
stevensilverman Over 1 year ago

First 3 Steps to an FBA

Step 1: Clearly define the behavior. This step is important because in order to fix a problem, the school must know exactly what the problem is. It is important to use many details and not words like "disruptive".

Step 2: Collect data on the behaviors. It is important to know exactly when, where, and how the behaviors are occurring. Data collectors should pay special attention to events that happen directly before and after the behavior, this can help them identify the root cause. 

Step 3: Identify the function of the behavior. This step is extremely important because in order to fix a problem, we must know what it is first. Step 3 identifies the "why".
laurenhearne12 Over 1 year ago

First 3steps

1-Define the behavior 

this ensures than anyone observing and collecting data is observing the correct behavior.

2-Gather and analyze data 

tho object is to find out the when, where and how frequently the behavior takes place.

3-Identify the function of the behavior.

this is to find out the reason for the behavior. Often it is to obtain or avoid things.
peter-cowell Over 1 year ago


1. Identify and define the challenging behavior in an objective way.
2. Collect and analyze the data regarding the challenging behavior.
3. Determine why the behavior is occurring.
These beginning steps are important in determining the function of the behavior because they allow the school team to move forward with creating a BIP. Once the BIP is created, the school team will implement it and track the students behavior.  While tracking behavior, the school team is comes up with a plan to replace the negative behavior with positive behavior. The FBA allows the team to assess the best strategies and supports to help the student be successful.
laura-fuller Over 1 year ago

Steps and Importance of FBA

1) Identify and define the challenging behavior in an objective way.
2) Collect and analyze the data regarding the challenging behavior
3) Determine why the behavior is occurring
These beginning steps are detrimental in determining the function of the challenging behavior because they allow the school team to move forward with creating a Behavior Intervention Plan or BIP. Once the BIP is created the school team will implement it and track the students behavior.  All the while during tracking, the school team is trying to replace the negative behavior with positive behavior so the student may focus on their academics. The FBA allows the school team to assess the best strategies and supports that will help the student be successful.
margo26 Over 1 year ago

Identify problem, collect data, identify the function of the behavior. important because you need an identified problem to have an FBA,

adam-wawrzyniak Over 1 year ago

Purpose of FBA is to identify the purpose that a behavior serves a student.

Three steps in determining a FBA in order to have a long term behavior change are creating a support team that includes teachers, paraprofessionals, parents, behavior specialists, case managers, counselors, psychologists, social workers, etc. Step 1, is defining the behavior in observable and measurable terms. Educators should be able to evaluate the behaviors duration, frequency, and intensity.  Step 2, collecting data to determine the cause and function of the behavior.  Step 3, is to create a hypothesis or educated guess on why the behavior is occurring.  You need to identify antecedents, triggers, and consequences with unwanted behavior.
robert-cesarano Over 1 year ago

3 steps for FBA

The three steps are
1. identify the targeted behavior and a replacement behavior
2. team collects data on the behavior (where, when, and frequency
3. Team identifies the function of the behavior
tracy-page Over 1 year ago

FBA first 3 steps

Step 1 - Identify and define the problem behaviors so that people gathering data are observing the same behavior and not a different behavior. Step 2 - Collect data on the behaviors for a specified period of time. This will hopefully provide information on when., where and the frequency and duration of the behaviors. Step 3 - Identify the function of the behavior. This can be helpful to see why the it is happening, is it for attention, for something tangible, work avoidance or sensory issues. correctly been identified. 
These steps are important because without them you would not be able to accurately figure out what the behavior is that is empeding learning, why it's occuring and how to help the student stop using the behavior.  
adrianahalloran Over 1 year ago