Kelly Bentley

Steps to Completing an FBA


  • March 18, 2021 at 10:19 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
Step 1: Identify and define problem and replacement behaviors-this needs to be specific and objective to unsure the behaviors are accurate.This is important in order to identify the specific behaviors accuracy.
Step 2: Collect data on the behaviors-this is provide data on when, where and how frequent the behaviors are. This can be done using checklists and interviews with the student, teachers and parents. Baseline data is also collected through observation.This is important to determine why the behavior is happening and the consequences that appear to be maintaining it. 
Step 3: Identify the function of behavior-A functional assessment matrix can be helpful in determining whether the behavior is being used to avoid something, get attention or obtain tangible items or activities. This is important because it tells what the student wants or is trying to avoid and when and why if triggers behaviors.