CUE 16 Attendee

Briefly describe your learning goals.

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  • Last updated February 28, 2016 at 9:37 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference.

All posted evidence

We are excited to meet some teachers and let them know about all our great free resources and materials for the classroom.

kqededspace Almost 9 years ago

PD, Digital Citizenship, DLCs

I want to learn more about Professional Development, and how to implement it so that teachers can work independently. I am also really interested in Digital Citizenship plans for high schools that actually work. Lastly, I want to learn about teacher coaches, especially DLCs.
readingpusher Almost 9 years ago


My goal for #cue16 is to learn new ways to better support my Colleagues in our transition to 21st century learning.
gericoats Almost 9 years ago

Cue 2016

I am hoping to gain tools to support the teachers that I work with. I am hoping to be inspired by other edus and to catch up with fellow innovators. I hoping to find exhibitors to support the mission of our site.
rhochberg Almost 9 years ago

I hope to connct with lots of people!

cogswell_ben Almost 9 years ago

My learning goals: learn new tech tricks & deepen my understanding of current tech knowledge.

My learning goals: learn new tech tricks, gain knowledge about stem, PBL, design thinking & deepen my understanding of current tech knowledge. I look forward to bringing back new ideas to my classroom! 
mrsjohnsjungle Almost 9 years ago

SAMR, PD, and Growth Mindset

I want to learn how to encourage more SAMR activities within my district.  I also would love to learn how to encourage growth mindset for teachers not just students.  I am hoping to attend sessions on professional development ideas both in person and blended models.
jyothisoto Almost 9 years ago

2016 CUE Conference Learning Goals

My learning goals for the conference are:
  1. Identify blending learning pedagogy to share with staff
  2. Find some new apps/extensions to ease use of Chromebooks with blending learning students
  3. Make 3 new edtech acquaintances
burtlo Almost 9 years ago

Inspiration, Ideas, and Connections

I have been struggling to implement technology into math and science - I'm here to find ideas and inspiration, while also making connections with my peers.  Hopefully, these will help me grow as an educator and continue to be inspired in my classroom well after CUE16 ends.
mistykluesner Almost 9 years ago

My main learning goal is to get back that teaching magic mojo and take come up with a few great projects for the last part of the year!

landiss Almost 9 years ago

Get a bit better, learn from the hive mind.

My goal is to learn something from each person I connect with. So far that's going really well. 
jenroberts Almost 9 years ago

Learn more about breakoutedu. Spend time talking about edtech and best practices. Be inspired.

Learn more about breakoutedu. Spend time talking about edtech and best practices. Be inspired. 
jesslura Almost 9 years ago