What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference.
All posted evidence
As a middle school math/science teacher, I hope to extend my knowledge of apps to enhance my lessons.
By learning about apps to enhance learning, I will be able to differentiate learning more effectively. I would like to learn more about using YouTube with students, podcasting, and using apps to enhance learning.
Almost 9 years ago
Elementary schools need to teach
computer science. My goal is to
make that happen at Pacific Union
Almost 9 years ago
Looking at Stem strategies. 1:1 best practices and networking with colleagues and friends
Almost 9 years ago
Learning Goals
I want to learn more about online, blended, and distance learning. I'd like to find more ways to engage students digitally and create community online with students who may not be at the same site together. Plus, there are plenty of good Google tips and tricks to absorb!
Almost 9 years ago
I'm super excited, to be back to CUE! Looking forward to learning how to increase critical thinking in concert with tech in my classroom!
Returning to CUE this year I'm looking forward to to increasing the level of critical thinking and technology through project based learning. I want my students to take charge of their own learning and understand the role technology has in their learning. As we start to implement a 1:1 program at my district, and as the tech lead at my site, I want to take back to my site valuable tools to engage my staff in the awesomeness of digital teaching and learning!
Almost 9 years ago
making changes at my school site
At CUE16 I want to learn more about how I can use Google Forms and Google Sheets for my personal use as a Tech Coach. I want to learn about how I can transform my school site and our district to help our scholars grow and enter into the 21st Century. I also want to network and grow my PLN so that I can a larger group of tweeps that I can go to when I need ideas after CUE is over.
Almost 9 years ago
Math Teacher working towards more integration. Researching schoolwide portfolios. Interest in Robotics % Coaching Inspiration
Almost 9 years ago
I hope to bring back knowledge I can share to help #notatcue peeps learn.
Almost 9 years ago
Scott's CUE Goals
Learning goals:
Better prepare to work as a technology coach/-Tech-TOSA.
Learn more about implementing robotics and the maker movement.
Learn new Google tools
Almost 9 years ago
Info Lit summits at CUE hosted by CSLA are worth the price of attendance many times over!
Almost 9 years ago
iPad Apps for Young Learners
My focus going into the CUE Conference is exploring ways to utilize devices such as iPads in my first grade classroom. As a member of my school site's and my district's edtech community of practice, I want to find apps that are age-appropriate for Kinder - first graders and share them with my colleagues. I want to find those CUE sessions that contain not only innovative ideas, but also transformative ones.
Almost 9 years ago
I have three learning goals: Learn everything you ccan, be open to possibilities yet unseen, have fun every day!