CUE 16 Attendee

Briefly describe your learning goals.

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  • Last updated February 28, 2016 at 9:37 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference.

All posted evidence

New Skills

Hoping to learn new skills for my school tv station.
christymonge Almost 9 years ago

To collaborate, share, and learn.

seanie Almost 9 years ago

I am here to learn as much as I can about MakerSpaces. My goal is to fill my tool belt with fun and creativity for my district PDs!

I want to reach more teachers, and show them how much fun tech can be in the classroom. Reveal the benefits for the students with succinct, easy to follow, and fun tech PD that will keep them asking for more! MakerSpaces is my new tech tool that I want to learn all about--I love this idea. 
ronimacd Almost 9 years ago

Google, O365, coding iPads ... Sooooo much to choose from so hard to pick. #cue16

Google, O365, coding iPads ... Sooooo much to choose from so hard to pick. #cue16
genreifer Almost 9 years ago

Looking to continue to be inspired and to learn a few items that I can put to use within the classroom to continue to learn and connect.

So many ideas already after just a day of learning. So many people with stories to share. Looking forward to continuing to connect and to share and learn with those that I have met at the conference. Look to continue to interact with these people online.
craigyen Almost 9 years ago

Goals for #cue16

Looking forward to gathering PBL ideas, tips for moving our district forward, sketchnotes, and Scratch!
msyork Almost 9 years ago

I can't wait to learn tons that I can take back to my schools!

I can't wait to learn tons that I can take back to my schools!
kmartintahoe Almost 9 years ago

I am looking for tools to help me in my new position helping teachers.

Now that my job entails supporting k-12 teachers, I need to learn much more about the k-12 world, and what those teachers are up against. Looking for tools.
wmarkhall Almost 9 years ago

Connect with teachers about online learning and professional development.

I'm really excited to connect and learn from other educators at KQED. I've been working on an online professional learning platform and would like to know what other courses and other resources teachers want us to develop. I'm also looking forward to sessions about personalized professional development. 
merialatorre Almost 9 years ago

Evidence below....

Hopefully going to gain some new ideas for my newly 1:1 class!! And catch up with old friends!!
chousepian Almost 9 years ago

Learn Learn Learn

Time to get my learn on! Bring in the ideas!
_wharris Almost 9 years ago

My learning goals: Attend TOSA sessions Learn other techniques to coach teachers Come up with ideas for PV Bootcamp 2016

My learning goals: Attend TOSA sessions Learn other techniques to coach teachers Come up with ideas for PV Bootcamp 2016 (I help with PD) 

i want to be able to bring back my knowledge and share it with others in PD, classroom, etc. 

I leave this conference every year with new ideas. 
runner58446 Almost 9 years ago