CUE 16 Attendee

Briefly describe your learning goals.

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  • Last updated February 28, 2016 at 9:37 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference.

All posted evidence

Tools, collaboration, and social media

My learning goals are to learn more about various #edtech tools, meet and collaborate with new and old friends, and utilize social media with my students
missmorgan810 Almost 9 years ago

Learn awesome new ways to integrate technology in my classroom and engage student's learning with special needs.

  • Learn as much as I can about CUE, and what it offers for me and my students.  
  • Discover technology that will help my students engage in learning and be successful in their education. 
  • Collaborate with teachers from other ares to build my educator toolbox. 
honey-badger Almost 9 years ago

My Thoughts!

I am thrilled to be at CUE 2016.  This is my second year attending and am looking forward to learning something new.  Last year, I learned so much about Google Apps.  I look forward to learning about leadership and a wide variety of tools to help enhance my teaching.
mdaniel1008 Almost 9 years ago

Eager to learn about STEAM, Makerspce, and gamifying my classroom.

mendoza805 Almost 9 years ago

Get as many sessions in as I can

I want to bring back two SOLID ideas to my staff!
mrwisley Almost 9 years ago

Survive cue

loethere Almost 9 years ago

My learning goals: gain new tech tools, share with colleagues and learn 3 new things to use this year.

My learning goals: gain new tech tools, share with colleagues and especially learn something to take back to my mod-severe class.
mslaura Almost 9 years ago

Can't wait to learn how to support English learners through technology #cue16 #nlmusd

lauraf Almost 9 years ago

Tech integration

Super excited to learn to better utilize Google classroom and try a flipped classroom.
w_payan Almost 9 years ago

Learning Goals for CUE

At the conference I hope to learn what other teachers, TOSAs and tech leaders are doing in their districts with technology integration and personalizing professional development. I'm also looking to connect with other districts to expand my PLN and keep the learning rolling after the conference!
lblass Almost 9 years ago

Gaining Knowledge

Looking to gain knowledge on coding, 1:1 programs and coaching.
techmikebusd Almost 9 years ago

Learn from others Improve my presentation skills Attend NGSS and STEM related topics Meet new people and expand my PLC

msciarillo Almost 9 years ago