CUE 16 Attendee

Briefly describe your learning goals.

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  • Last updated February 28, 2016 at 9:37 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference.

All posted evidence

I'm hopeful to garner the following this weekend. Info on iPad issue, different view on current topic, wisdom from fellow TOSAs

The district is having some issues with iPad deployment, want to talk with folks that have already walked down that path. 

Attending a Rockstar session covering a topic I'm already doing to see what they are doing differently to step up my game and make it better for students and teachers I work with in the district.

As a new TOSA, I want to be a sponge and absorb as much as I can. 
nallstedt Almost 9 years ago

I want to learn new things to incorporate into my classroom & meet new individuals that will make a difference in the lives of my students.

jcastro Almost 9 years ago

First time attending and presenting! I am interested in expanding my personal learning network, sharing, and learning from others.

I want to learn ways to inspire students and find more opportunities for them to be "creators" of technology and not just "consumers" of technology.  I love the idea of Maker Spaces and would love to start one at my school. It is such an exciting time to be a teacher and a student and I want to learn right along with my students.  I also want to see and hear about the ways others are using technology in their classrooms in creative ways to meet the needs of all learners. I want to bring back new ideas for the teachers in my school as well as teachers in my other world wide network! I am also looking for ideas to make conferences more fun and interactive and share those with teachers on the EAST coast as we plan upcoming conferences and events. This is the first time I participated in "badging" at a conference.
zeepoerio Almost 9 years ago

Grow, do, facilitate

I'm looking forward to putting on my Steampunk attire and playing in the STEAMpunk Playground on Friday, catching up with other EdTech folks I love, sharing ideas, being myself and creating a better self, meeting #TOSAchat folks, and taking awesome things back to school on Monday.
remscience Almost 9 years ago

Excited to dig in deep with some coding and robotics at #cue16 plus I want to learn more about automating with Chrome add-ons.

I love CUE. I am so fortunate to be able to attend the national CUE conference. This year I am hoping to continue my own learning journey and "level up" my programming and coding skills.  After #cue16 I plan to attend #CUEsteampunk ---which I am so stinking excited about! Here's to a great #cue16 and a time of playing, learning, exploring and sharing! #bettertogether #tosachat 
annkozma723 Almost 9 years ago

Can't wait to soak in all the CUEy goodness!!!!!!!!!!

I'm the only Education Specialist in my country and I am looking for information and tools that I can bring to my teachers and students.
mrsjennarodgers Almost 9 years ago

I'm excited to attend session around GAFE and personalized PD. I also want to attend some future ready sessions!

teacherbrandi Almost 9 years ago

Excited to be at CUE 2016!

Hello fellow CUE-ers!!!!

I hope to learn more about wearables, STEAM and coding.

aromayorjr Almost 9 years ago

Learning goals: MinecraftEDU-- NGSS-- STEAM-- PD

The title above captures it all. Those topics will help me move teachers in my district forward. Students need more opportunities for awesomeness!
peerlessgreen Almost 9 years ago

Cue 16 learning goals

•learn new technology to incorporate into my 2nd grade classroom •ideas to move up the SAMR scale •GAFE integration
kjoseph3 Almost 9 years ago


i'm here to make connections, to learn about learning, and to rock on with the rest of my computer using educator friends!
techtombusd Almost 9 years ago

Learn more about badging and gamification

 I hope to learn more about badging and gamification, specifically badges for professional development. I want to inspire my teachers to want to learn. 
coffeenancy Almost 9 years ago