CUE 16 Attendee

Briefly describe your learning goals.

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  • Last updated February 28, 2016 at 9:37 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference.

All posted evidence


ben-roome About 2 years ago

Introducing Myself

I am Here for bring this Internet at the next level if you are interesting you can join me ...
jp-devc About 5 years ago

Passionate about bring 21st century technology into the classroom while teaching my student their nation's history.

teachnichols Almost 9 years ago

Although my brain was fried with lots of new ideas, web tools, and apps, I learned about how graphic design & hyperdocs can be so innovative

This year I learned about how to communicate clearly with graphic design and how as an educator, applying this knowledge reduces visual distractions for my students and therefore helps them reach higher levels of understanding. I also learned how to use hyperdocs that allow students agency to own their learning by having them create, think, and collaborate with each other. And lastly how to help create a culture of innovation to lead a future ready school.  
jeddetorres Almost 9 years ago

So many goals

My main goals after attending CUE can be summed up with joy, code and control. I want to make sure I am bringing joyfulness into my classroom and school. I now feel like I can introduce coding to my TK students and not just help the upper grade students because I have so many tools to use now. I hope to have a switch in control to a more student controlled classroom, a more maker centered classroom :)
tkwithmrso Almost 9 years ago

As a Technology TOSA I am always looking for new technology tools that teachers can use with their students in a meaningful way.

As a Technology Teacher on Special Assignment I am always looking for new technology tools that teachers can use with their students in a meaningful way. I believe that technology can make learning more accessible to all students when used appropriately. As a science teacher I am also interested in ways to bring STEAM into the classroom, and I knew that this conference would be a great resource.
carabryant Almost 9 years ago

Learning Goals: Network and to further understand the GAFE limits and capabilities.

broman Almost 9 years ago

My CUE experience.

I learned so many ways to engage my students on a more personal level.  Students want to be seen and heard, and I learned so many ways to give them an active voice.  I look forward to trying my new tools with my class.
kalbert Almost 9 years ago

I am really pumped about using TouchCast and the CA Media Festival for my video class!

mrsdehatesang Almost 9 years ago

Helping both students and teachers...

My goals are to be able to provide students with the technology that they will need in order to be successful in their future as well as to be able to learn ways to support teachers so they can feel comfortable teaching their students with this technology.
cdinsd Almost 9 years ago

Learning to be 21st century educator with tech tools and ideas from other educators.

CUE is a hub for all the educators to come together and learn from each other. That's  why I'm here. To learn from my colleague. To take away new ideas. To reflect on how I can be a better teacher. 
mrslu Almost 9 years ago

I hope yo reconnect with colleagues and to be inspired by new presenters.

I hope yo reconnect with colleagues and to be inspired by new presenters. 
johnwick Almost 9 years ago