CUE 16 Attendee

Briefly describe your learning goals.

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  • Last updated February 28, 2016 at 9:37 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference.

All posted evidence

My learning goals: Attend TOSA sessions Learn other techniques to coach teachers Come up with ideas for PV Bootcamp 2016 (I help w/PD)

runner58446 Almost 9 years ago

Meet, meet, meet, repeat!

I want to continue to meet lots of Ts and my edu heroes.
dustin772 Almost 9 years ago

Want to learn more about makerspace, 1:1, and everything else!

room17_ina Almost 9 years ago

Want to learn about digital citizenship and future ready as well as new apps for teachers

coacheagan Almost 9 years ago

I'm excited to learn!

I'm most excited to attend sessions on gamification, flipped learning, and digital badges this year at CUE 2016. I'm already overloaded with apps and web tools, although I wouldn't mind learning about a few more to explore this summer. 
mariventurino Almost 9 years ago

To connect with fellow presenters and teacher ccolleagues. To gather resources and refine my craft as a presenter

willkimbley Almost 9 years ago

Learning Goals!!

I'm excited to learn how to better integrate technology and a 3D printer in the classroom! #CUE16
jennzilla Almost 9 years ago

Learning goals for CUE16

Super excited to learn more about SAMR, 21st Century classroom design/blended learning, and more. SO inspiring to be around so many progressive-minded folks doing big things in education!
beardsleyteach Almost 9 years ago

My goal is to learn more about academic uses of MinecraftEDU.

I plan to attend John Miller's session on gaming and literacy and then spend some time in the Minrcraft EDU playground as I am starting a Minecraft after school club this spring. 
raefearing Almost 9 years ago

CUE 16 focus

This year I am focusing on blended learning and robotics. I am hoping for more creative ideas to change the way I use google apps. I also want to be inspired to try something new in my classroom next week.
cbustamante22 Almost 9 years ago

Learn how to implement technology into the classroom with teachers who are apprehensive about technology.

My goal is to learn new and fun technology to help teachers who are apprehensive about using any kind of technology in their classroom.  By not using any kind of technology in their classrooms, they are denying their students a full/well rounded education.  Technology is apart of our everyday lives and it only promises to increase more every year.  When students start their careers, they will most likely be required to use some sort of technology, (i.e. Google Docs).  If they learn about different technology uses while in school, they will be better prepared for their future.
awolff Almost 9 years ago

I am always excited to learn more hidden gems in the google slam session. I also want to really think about and learn about lesson design.

dlawvs Almost 9 years ago