CUE 16 Attendee

Briefly describe your learning goals.

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  • Last updated February 28, 2016 at 9:37 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference.

All posted evidence

Can't wait to learn new things, meet new people and work on my presentation skills by presenting at cue for the first time!

kaitlyn_fargo Almost 9 years ago

First timer! Super excited! Hope to learn a lot!

Hello! My name is Ralph Emmerink and I am from the Netherlands. I work at a school in Monterrey, Mexico as a socials teacher. I am attending CUE for the first time this year and I hope to learn a lot about technology and various assessment practices with the use of computers. I am quite sure I will have an amazing time here these next days!
ralph_emmerink Almost 9 years ago

To rub elbows with some like-minded people.

I want to find out what other people are teaching and how they incorporate special needs students in a classroom of 35 students. It's awesome to meet the vendors and see what the latest gadgets are and how they are being used!
pattimac00 Almost 9 years ago

This is my first year so networking, learning how to flip a classroom, google docs and office!

robsamyc Almost 9 years ago

First time and excited!!!!!

I am here to expand my tech skills and to learn and share with other like-minded people. I plan to learn more than I can teach this school year in order to carry over into next school year and thereafter. I intend to carry back ideas to share with teachers at my school and within my district.
citizensowls Almost 9 years ago

Makerspace, 3D printing in the classroom, GAFE

I have 5 new 3D printers in my room and I want to find curriculum to use with my students. I want learn about makerspace in the classroom. Lastly, we just went GAFE in my district so I want to learn as much as possible.
lmcclure Almost 9 years ago

Teaching others about Minecraft and exploring CUE with my twelve year old son

Teaching others about Minecraft and exploring CUE with my twelve year old son
henryd Almost 9 years ago

Can't wait to learn and play at #CUE16!! looking forward to badging, programming, tech tools.

I am really looking forward to attending the CUE conference this year. This is my first time attending the National Conference and I can't wait to be completely overloaded with awesome tech learning! One thing I really hope to learn more about is badging. I would really like to start using badging as a way to encourage my students and to also give them recognition for what they are learning. Another thing I am hoping to learn more about is programming. I have done Hour of Code and Sphero robot coding, but I feel like I could be doing so much more with it. I also want to learn about student response tools. I know that I don't use what is available to the fullest so I would like to get some more information and ideas on how to implement in my classroom.
crazysciteach Almost 9 years ago

Learning Goals and Topics of Interest

Looking to develop my skills to assist faculty w/ tech integration and crafting meaningful experiences for kids.
  • Project Based Learning
  • Lesson Design
  • Self-guided Professional Development
  • Coding, Robotics and watching @PVSDCamarillo and @TLSHawks teachers present!
rwaggonerjr Almost 9 years ago

Learning Goals for #CUE2016

My goals for #CUE2016 are to 
  • learn from others that have MakerSpaces
  • attend the RaspberryPi session
  • Add to my PLN by presenting on Friday and meeting new people

alexandertls Almost 9 years ago