Rachelle Yablin

Steps to Completing an FBA

What is required to complete an FBA--Steps 1-3

  • October 13, 2022 at 12:39 PM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
Step 1:  The first step is to define the behavior in an observable way.  For example, instead of saying the student is harming others, a more specific, measurable and objective definition might be something like: The student throws scissors and pencils directly at students heads.

Step 2:  This next step is where information is gathered about the behavior.  When tracking the behavior you need to look at when and where the behavior occurs (and when and where it may not be occurring too), how often the behavior occurs, how long the behavior lasts, who might be around when the behavior occurs and the antecedents and consequences of the behavior.  

Step 3: This step is where the team tries to figure out the function of the behavior--or what is the student getting from engaging in this behavior.  For example, are they getting wanted attention or are they getting out of a task they don't like.