Francisca Holtfoth

Steps to Completing an FBA

3 Steps of FBA

  • May 31, 2023 at 5:54 PM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
Step 1: Identify and define the problem and replacement behaviors. In this step it is important to know the cause of why certain students are acting out of character. In this step an appropriate replacement behavior should be discussed. 

Step 2: Collecting Data. Here you are providing information on the behavior that is occurring. You should include ABC data, and observed and documented instances of when and where the problem behavior is occurring as well as how often and the duration. 

Step 3: Identifying the function. Using the matrix and the information gathered, a hypothesis can be made as to why the behavior is occurring. Is the student trying to obtain or avoid things like attention, certain tangibles, preferred or non-preferred activities. This is important so a solution to identifying the behavior can be made.