CUE 16 Attendee

Briefly describe your learning goals.

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  • Last updated February 28, 2016 at 9:37 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference.

All posted evidence

First time!

My learning goal is to better prepared in STEM/STEAM. What better place to gather ideas and have the ability to talk to these folks than here at CUE. At my district we are at the beginning stages and it's awesome to be able to network with teachers from other districts that have implemented programs from Makerspace, to robotics, to awesome Apps to use in the classroom. I hope there will be more folks from Porterville at CUE next year!
rojo5th Almost 9 years ago

Improving Professional Development

This year I'm searching for presenters who engage their audience, so I can improve my own edtech coach PD in my district.  
htullmann Almost 9 years ago

I'm looking for anything and everything to help me expand my current use of digital tools in the classroom. Anything PBL related a plus.

mrsinclair Almost 9 years ago

Quality feedback

I'm hoping to learn how tech can help me with feedback
seejodee Almost 9 years ago

learning goals

Bring something back to share with my fellow teachers. and enjoy palm springs :)
mastap Almost 9 years ago

I hope to learn how to use Skype in the classroom for professional learning and to connect my students to people around the world

My district has PD through Skype. I want to start using it for my own learning as well as my students. I am hoping to get my students connected to classes around the world. I have connected with teachers on Twitter who want to connect through Skype.
elwells Almost 9 years ago

To build my knowledge as a technology administrator.

matthew_skoll Almost 9 years ago

I want to learn how to add value in the CUE world with what I know

josephwclark Almost 9 years ago

Want to learn more about gamification and badging while I am here

I am a Tech electives teacher. I teach coding skills, typing skills, use Google Classroom, Internet Safety for 6th grade. I teach video broadcasting and advanced coding skills/game design for 7/8th grade. I also run the school-wide Hour of Code.

I would like to "gamify" my classes. I am hoping to learn enough about gamification and badging to get started when I get back to work on Monday!
lpurington Almost 9 years ago

I am interested in tech use in math and science.

I have gained a lot of ideas! My brain is spinning with what things I want to take back to my classroom. I think the first thing I will begin is badging. I can see how it can be very motivating to students! 
suzyq Almost 9 years ago

1.Expand PLN 2. Improve my practice 3. Provide a great session #cue16

charlene_know Almost 9 years ago

My Learning Goals

My goals for attending CUE16 include networking with innovative educators, taking home new ways to engage all learners using digital tools, and sharing ideas for professional development and innovative classroom practices back to my colleagues. 
ablackrad Almost 9 years ago