CUE 16 Attendee

Briefly describe your learning goals.

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  • Last updated February 28, 2016 at 9:37 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference.

All posted evidence

It is all about the learning

My focus this year was: Network with AdminsLearn about badgesSupport my teachers
bbarreda Almost 9 years ago

First CUE conference was Incredible.

Learned some great stuff on DigCit at this conference. Also great to see motivated and enthusiastic people learning about and using tech. So cool.
nodnarbtuhcs Almost 9 years ago

My Learning Goals

My goals
1.  Learn more about Microsoft Sway and Mix
2.  Build a PD presentation to bring back to my University Faculty
3.  Network!
mpmyersphd Almost 9 years ago

Student Privacy

What do I need to know about COPPA?
vtadeo Almost 9 years ago

Language support and a bigger learning network.

I came this year hoping to get educational technology support for language learners and language development. I found that and more, but I knew I would. I also wanted to extend my PLN and that was easy since I am surrounded by people who strive to integrate technology in the classroom. I definitely have a bunch of new resources to take back to work and start the process of editing to to see what will really work for us.
ace Almost 9 years ago

I'm interested in connecting and involving parents using social media and developing technology PD for teachers at my site.

Personal learning goals included fine tuning my own technology skill, bringing back information to my site, networking with others, and learning ways to motivate teachers at my site and make technology PD engaging.
rpompilio Almost 9 years ago

My goal was to learn about new tools that are fun, creative and easy to use so that all teachers can start using right away.

My goal was to learn about new tools that are fun, creative and easy to use so that all teachers can start using right away. I definitely reached my goal! 
patricia1 Almost 9 years ago

Learning goals-new presenters and motivations

i have a goal to hear new presenters in EdTech this week. I also want to hear new ways to motivate people.
shaunahawes Almost 9 years ago

Goals 2016

Online learning platforms for PD
seeing friends and colleagues 
wstagnaro Almost 9 years ago

Learning goals...

I have learned a ton here at #cue16.  My two big takeaways are utilizing badges in PD with teachers and being more efficient in creating lessons surrounded around the SAMR model.  A goal is to put into practice what I have learned here with the trainings I lead back at my worksite.
greggeilers Almost 9 years ago

I would like to find tools and tricks that I can take back to my classroom and enhance my students' learning.

I want to integrate more technology to enhance the learning in my classroom. I use a variety of tools already, but I know there are so many more out there! :)
smoore Almost 9 years ago

Professional Development

I'm interested in learning more about delivering effective professional development for my teachers and staff. Badges are a great way to do that!
thattechiegirl Almost 9 years ago