GreeceCSD Functional Behavior Assessment

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?

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  • Last updated June 8, 2020 at 8:26 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
[1] Read the article, Functional Assessment: What it is and How it Works [2] As evidence, in your own words, explain what a Functional Behavior Assessment is, why it is used, and what situations an FBA is generally used for.

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What is an FBA?

A Functional Behavior Assessment is a process used to understand what is causing behavior in students.  Very often a student is not necessarily struggling with academics, it is another issue that needs to be addressed.  It is a tool that is used to figure out a student’s behavior.  

An FBA is created by a team of counselors, teachers, administrators, the student and their family to come up with a plan to combat the behavior in the classroom.  The team collects information or data on the student to figure out what is causing the issue and to determine a course of action going forward.

There are two specific situations that call for an FBA, however, it may be used in other situations as well.  The first specific situation is for a school evaluation for special education.  The second reason is when a student is disciplined and removed from the school. 
amy-domm About 1 year ago

Article "Functional Assessment: What It Is and How It Works"

1. What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?
A Functional Behavior Assessment is the use of specific and objective measures to determine the cause of a behavior that is creating a negative impact on a student's learning.

2. Why is a Functional Behavior Assessment used?
Once the cause of the behavior is determined, the FBA team of teachers, administration, counselors, related service professionals, and/or the student and their family can use information from school records, staff interviews, and screening/testing the student to create a behavior intervention plan (BIP) to address the concerning behavior.

3. What situations is an FBA generally used for?
There are two situations where an FBA is generally used:
1) If a student's behavior is interfering with their learning, the FBA is used to evaluate the need for special education services. If a student already has a 504 or IEP and is demonstrating new behaviors impacting their learning, legally an FBA must be done.
2) Federal law requires an FBA when behaviors by a student classified with a 504 or IEP lead to discipline or removal from the school. The FBA is used to determine risks related to the use of threats, drugs, or weapons.
iangupton About 1 year ago


An FBA is a Functional Behavioral Assessment which is a formal method of analyzing a target behavior which is significantly impacting a student's learning.  Typically, because it is considered a type of evaluation, it is completed on classified students or those with 504 Plans but can be conducted for other students who display severe behaviors which may be harmful to self or others.  The process involves a multi-disciplinary team, typically led by a school psych or behavior specialist, who will meet to identify the specific observable behavior on which data will be collected, including antecedents and  consequences, in order to help develop a hypothesis regarding the function, or underlying reason for the behavior.   Additional information may be collected though parents as well as student and teacher interviews.  Once the ABC data is collected, the team meets to discuss whether there is substantial reason to move forward with a BIP or plan to shape the child's environment in order to make the behavior less likely to occur.     
carolyn-raus Over 1 year ago


A Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is a process used by educators, counselors, and psychologists to identify and understand problematic behavior in students. It focuses on specific behaviors, gathering information on where, when, and how often the behavior occurs, as well as what triggers it. The collected information is then used by a team, including a school psychologist or behavior specialist, to create a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). An FBA can be conducted as part of a Special Education evaluation or for students with serious behavior concerns, regardless of whether they have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 plan. It is also used when students face disciplinary actions or are removed from school.
iannieboer Over 1 year ago

Functional Behavior Assessment

A Functional Behavior Assessment is an assessment of a student's behavior to define the purpose of the behavior and determine an effective plan for the student to address the behavior and effectiveness of replacement behavior. 

The team works together to gather information on the student to determine the purpose of the behavior. First, you define the behavior and then the purpose it serves. Then you need to analyze the data to confirm the function of the behavior. Once the purpose of the behavior is determined you can develop a plan for the student to address the behavior and implement the desired activity to take the place of the behavior.  
holtfoth13 Over 1 year ago


An FBA is a method used to  determine why a student acts a certain way, and what the purpose of the behavior is

An FBA is used to assist in changing certain behaviors by gathering information to help with the behavior (define the behavior, gather and analyze information, find the reason for the behavior, and make a plan)

An FBA is used an part of a school's evaluation for Special Education service, or if the is a new concerning behavior for a student who already has an IEP or 504.  It would also be used when a student is disciplined and/or removed from school. .
stevensilverman Over 1 year ago

What is a FBA?

A Functional Behavior Assessment is a tool used to diagnose and remedy negative behaviors in children. The FBA is created to figure out why certain behaviors are happening and what teachers, staff, and parents can do to help that student. The main steps when formulating an FBA are: define the behavior, gather and analyze information, find out the reason for the behavior, and make a plan. FBA's are not used for every student, but are more common in students receiving special education services or students that have been disciplined and removed from school.   It is the goal of the group putting together the FBA to find the root cause of the behavior and correct it. 

laurenhearne12 Over 1 year ago

What is FBA: functional behavior assewssment

An functional behavior assessment is a tool utilized to help identify the key factors as to why a behavior is occurring and what the underlying factors might be to cause the behavior. An FBA is for the evaluation of a special education or student who may be removed from school.
tracy-page Over 1 year ago


The FBA is a process or tool to help understand a behavior. If we understand what is causing a behavior, we can help change it so the student can be more successful.

one reason to use one is part of the school’s evaluation for an IEP or 504 plan. It is also a requirement when a student is being removed from the school.
peter-cowell Over 1 year ago


An FBA is a tool used to collect data for a child showing specific behaviors. A function is determined based on the frequency and duration of shown behaviors. Functions include attention, escape, access, or sensory needs. The goal is to use data to create a BIP for the particular student. FBA's could be collected for physical aggression, elopement, any disruptive behavior, safety concerns, etc. It is developed by the team working with the student.
laura-fuller Over 1 year ago

Purpose of a FBA

A functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is an approach school teams use in order to figure out what may be causing a student to act in a certain way. It's purpose is to allow school teams to understand what may be causing a certain behavior so they can find ways to change the behavior by developing a plan to implement. Often an FBA is used as part of the school evaluation for special education if a student's behavior is impacting their learning.  It can also be used if a student already has a 504 plan or an IEP but new behaviors are arising impacting the student academic learning.  Another situation that a FBA would be used is if a student has a major discipline or has to be removed from school due to their behavior.
margo26 Over 1 year ago

approach to figuring out why a student acts a certainway. They are used to define a behavior, get information to find a reason,make a plan

adam-wawrzyniak Over 1 year ago