GreeceCSD Functional Behavior Assessment

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?

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  • Last updated June 8, 2020 at 8:26 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
[1] Read the article, Functional Assessment: What it is and How it Works [2] As evidence, in your own words, explain what a Functional Behavior Assessment is, why it is used, and what situations an FBA is generally used for.

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Data collection in order to determine if a student qualifies for a BIP.

FBA's are created if a behavior trend is noticed by a student.  After a child has gone through all tiers of problem solving, the third and final tier is putting an FBA in place.  During the FBA process the educational team for the child collects data that will provide base line data to determine if the child qualifies for a BIP.  During the FBA process you are able to identify antecedents, triggers, duration of behavior, level of behavior, frequency, and able to make comments about the behavior and situation. 
robert-cesarano Over 1 year ago

Functional Assessment: reasoning behind behavior

A FBA is a tool used collect data on a specific behavior. It looks at the function of a behavior or what the underlying cause is . It looks at the frequency and duration of the behavior. We use an FBA for special education students and disciplinary reasons to remove a student from school. 
tracy-page Over 1 year ago


A Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)is a process used to identify problematic behavior in students and why the behaviors are occuring and how to change the behaviors.  Teachers both Special Ed and General ed. along with admin, counselors, and psychologists  gather information regarding the targeted behavior. Instead of identifying a general behavior, an FBA focuses on a specific behavior. Teachers track and gather information on the behavior -  where it occurs, how often and the duration of the behavior. Information on what took place directly prior to the student exhibiting the behavior is also collected. The school psych. or behavior specialist will take the information and with the team work on creating a BIP. Often an FBA is used as part of a Special Education evaluation and for kids with serious behavior concerns that are being disciplined frequently and removed from school often. Students do not need and IEP or 504 plan to have an FBA created. 
adrianahalloran Over 1 year ago

FBA is a tool to identify key behaviors affecting school performance.

An FBA is a tool utilized to help identify the key factors as to why a behavior is occurring and what the underlying factors might be to cause the behavior. An FBA is for the evaluation of a special education or student who may be removed from school.
chad-ewell Over 1 year ago

What is FBA, why is it used, and What situations.

Functional Behavior assessment is a process that helps determine why a student may act a certain way or to determine the cause of a behavior.  It is used to help determine why a student may be showing concerning behaviors and assist in how to change the behavior. 

There are 2 situations in which an FBA is used for , first being a school evaluation for special education. To assist in the answer of does the students' behavior get in the way of learning. The second is when a student has  behavior that is leading to discipline or being removed from school.
bethany-berger Over 1 year ago

FBA defintion

Some kids have a harder time learning due to behavioral challenges. An FBA is an approach to trying to uncover why the behavior occurs in the classroom setting. It uses methods outside traditional classroom approaches to investigate and uncover the why to the behavior. An FBA is not for all but usually fall under two categories: evaluation for special education or, a student is removed from the school for discipline reasons. 
desiree1 Over 1 year ago

FBA meaning

FBA is the tool used to collect data on a specific behavior in school. The function (why) of the behavior often is the result of the frequency and duration of identified behaviors. Consequences after behavior are also documented to determine likelihood of repeat behavior. THe goal of the FBA is to use the dat to create BIP for the student. Typical situations using FBA include disruptive behavior, non compliant behavior, or dangerous actions. 
kyle-kucsmas Over 1 year ago

An FBA is a method of figuring out the reason for student behaviors.

An FBA tries to figure out what’s behind behavior challenges. The basic idea is that behavior serves a purpose. Whether kids know it or not, they act in certain ways for a reason. If schools and families know what’s causing a behavior, they can find ways to change it.
justin-mull Over 1 year ago

An FBA is a data collection process used to try and identify what causes poor behaviors in a student and how they can be addressed/replaced.

scott-cassidy Over 1 year ago


An FBA is a way to help address a student's behavior that is impacting their performance or causing a disruption in a classroom. The team targets a specific behavior to track. It is used to find out why a student is displaying unexpected behaviors so that the team can work together to develop a plan on changing the behavior. A BIP may need to be created next to create strategies and interventions to improve the behavior. The team will later meet to see how the plan is going and make any necessary changes.
julie-austin Over 1 year ago


A Functional Behavioral Assessment is a process to identify problem behaviors and developing specific interventions to improve or eliminate those behaviors. An FBA is conducted to gather information and evaluate students with serious behavior issues.  An FBA consists of information specifically gathering procedures and data that results in a hypothesis about the function of that behavior. 
melissa-stolte Almost 2 years ago

1 A process to look more closely at student behavior 2 Used to determine the reason for a behavior 3 Often for IEP/504 behavior concerns

erin-stjames Almost 2 years ago