GreeceCSD Functional Behavior Assessment

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?

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  • Last updated June 8, 2020 at 8:26 AM
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[1] Read the article, Functional Assessment: What it is and How it Works [2] As evidence, in your own words, explain what a Functional Behavior Assessment is, why it is used, and what situations an FBA is generally used for.

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What is a functional behavior assessment

The FBA is a document created by a multi-dispensary team who have different insights into the behaviors of the student and their family to devise a plan to combat the behavior in the classroom.  The team collects information or data on the student to determine what is causing the issue and create a plan of action that will assist the student in becoming more successful in the future.
deion613 5 months ago


A functional behavior assessment is approach used to determine a function of a behavior of the why behind the behavior. What is driving the behavior to occur. Data is collected and used to determine patterns in behavior. Once a function is determined then a plan can be made to reduce the negative behavior as well as increase the desired behavior. A FBA is used when a students behaviors are impacting their education. 
kara-germano 5 months ago

FBA What?

A Functional Behavior Assessment is a structured approach to understanding a students needs in regards to challenging behavior in the classroom. It is created collaboratively with the student, students family, teachers, and administration. The idea is to understand why a students struggles or acts out in class and address it to help meet the students needs.  

An FBA is created using four simple steps.
  1. Define the trouble behavior
  2. Gather and analyze information gathered
  3. Find out the reason for the behavior
  4. Make a plan to address the behavior
After completing the process the team creates a plan to best address the students challenges/needs. 

Not all students are eligible for an FBA it is generally reserved for the following situations, although schools may choose to create an FBA for a multitude of reasons. Primarily it is done within special educations plans such as IEP's and 504's. It may be completed however if a specific event prompted a need such as violence, use of drugs or alcohol
stephen-ladley 6 months ago

FBA is a Functional Behavioral Assessment.

The point of this assessment is to figure out and understand a student's behavior and what to do about it. It is used in special education as a form of evaluation. If the behavior is understood, a plan can be created to assist the student.
jacquelinet 8 months ago


FBA stands for functional behavioral assessment. The goal of an FBA is to assess why a student is behaving a certain way. Each behavior serves a purpose and an FBA works to determine this reason to adequately support the student. A team is comprised of teachers, school administrators, other support related professionals, the student, and the student's family. The team gathers information surrounding behavior(s) and meets to discuss this information to determine the 'why'. FBA's are sometimes mandated in some disciplinary instances or if not doing an FBA keeps a child from an appropriate education. 
karlee-cousins 9 months ago

FBA summary

A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is a process used to understand a student's behavior and what to do. The goal is to figure out the purpose behind a student's behavior. An FBA is used to understand the behavior and find ways to change it.

An FBA is used for situations like a special education evaluation or a student with an IEP who has new behavior concerns. An FBA may also be required when a student is disciplined and removed from a school/suspended.
amberspencer 9 months ago

FBA Responses

An Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), is used to identify why a student behaves in a particular way. It is designed to determine the cause/s for specific behaviors.

A school team works together to complete the various steps in the assessment process in order to figure out the behavior/s and the functions of the behavior/s for an individual student.

This process is completed when a student's learning is significantly impacted due to their behavior. The FBA can be initiated by a parent or when there are disciplinary issues related to highly unwanted behavior.
joseph-nesci 11 months ago


What is a FBA: it’s the process to gathering information/Data about behavior concerns with Academic and behavior and even social and emotional problems 
FBA is a process to identify problem behaviors and come up with possible solutions. A FBA is used in situations like generally used for a potential change in placement due to the childs/students behavior 
juicebox1002 12 months ago

What is a FBA?

A functional behavioral assessment is a process that is used to figure out what is causing challenging behavior. The FBA leads to the plan that addresses the behavior by using different methods to understand what's behind the behavior. A student will get an FBA in 1 of 2 scenarios. The first being, as part of a school evaluation for special education, and the second being after a student is disciplined or removed from school. 
wiyse1 12 months ago

FBA What it is and How it works

The FBA is to identify the purpose that a behavior serves a student. The goal is looking for a long term behavior change. Creating a support team to define behavior in terms of frequency, duration and intensity.
Collecting data in order to determine the cause and function of the behavior. The behavior intervention plan is created to include positive supports and replacement behaviors.
Through monitoring and implementation support team is looking to see if the target behavior is increasing or decreasing.
howard-grant Almost 1 year ago

What is an FBA?

1.  What is a FBA:  An FBA is  a Functional Behavior Assessment.  This assessment is an approach to help understand why a student acts a certain way (behavioral challenges).  Behaviors occur for a reason and it is a method for helping identify what is behind the behavioral challenges to find ways to change it.

2.  Why is a FBA used:  To gather information to use it to help change the behavior.  Steps include: Defining behavior, gather and analyze information, find out the reason for the behavior and finally make a plan.

3.  Situations in which an FBA is used for are:  Helps look into behaviors with Special Educations students to see if those behaviors are interfering with their learning.  Also, Federal Law requires a FBA in certain cases for students who are disciplined or removed from school.  Usually because of serious behaviors i.e. drugs, weapons, threats.
sabate About 1 year ago


A Functional Behavioral Assessment is a document that is created and used to figure out the cause behind a behavior that is negatively impacting the student's learning. 

A Functional Behavior Assessment is used to make a plan to help with a child's behavior. The FBA team works to define the behavior that is negatively impacting their education, gathers and analyzes information and then uses that information that they have been analyzes to determine the reason for the behavior. After the reason for the behavior is determined, a Behavior Intervention Plan is created and implemented. 

An FBA is generally used if a student's behavior is interfering with their learning. An FBA is created and used to evaluate the need for special education services. If a student is already classified or has a 504 Plan and is demonstrating behaviors that are negatively impacting their behavior, an FBA must be created.  In addition to the above, a FBA must be used when classified students or students with a 504 Plan are exhibiting behaviors that lead to discipline or removal from school. This is federal law. It is used to determine the risks related to threats, drugs and or weapons. 

ashley-baker About 1 year ago