Amy Domm

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?

What is an FBA?

  • August 8, 2023 at 12:01 PM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
A Functional Behavior Assessment is a process used to understand what is causing behavior in students.  Very often a student is not necessarily struggling with academics, it is another issue that needs to be addressed.  It is a tool that is used to figure out a student’s behavior.  

An FBA is created by a team of counselors, teachers, administrators, the student and their family to come up with a plan to combat the behavior in the classroom.  The team collects information or data on the student to figure out what is causing the issue and to determine a course of action going forward.

There are two specific situations that call for an FBA, however, it may be used in other situations as well.  The first specific situation is for a school evaluation for special education.  The second reason is when a student is disciplined and removed from the school.