Carolyn Raus

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?


  • June 7, 2023 at 12:19 PM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
An FBA is a Functional Behavioral Assessment which is a formal method of analyzing a target behavior which is significantly impacting a student's learning.  Typically, because it is considered a type of evaluation, it is completed on classified students or those with 504 Plans but can be conducted for other students who display severe behaviors which may be harmful to self or others.  The process involves a multi-disciplinary team, typically led by a school psych or behavior specialist, who will meet to identify the specific observable behavior on which data will be collected, including antecedents and  consequences, in order to help develop a hypothesis regarding the function, or underlying reason for the behavior.   Additional information may be collected though parents as well as student and teacher interviews.  Once the ABC data is collected, the team meets to discuss whether there is substantial reason to move forward with a BIP or plan to shape the child's environment in order to make the behavior less likely to occur.