Ian Gupton

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?

Article "Functional Assessment: What It Is and How It Works"

  • July 8, 2023 at 7:46 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
1. What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?
A Functional Behavior Assessment is the use of specific and objective measures to determine the cause of a behavior that is creating a negative impact on a student's learning.

2. Why is a Functional Behavior Assessment used?
Once the cause of the behavior is determined, the FBA team of teachers, administration, counselors, related service professionals, and/or the student and their family can use information from school records, staff interviews, and screening/testing the student to create a behavior intervention plan (BIP) to address the concerning behavior.

3. What situations is an FBA generally used for?
There are two situations where an FBA is generally used:
1) If a student's behavior is interfering with their learning, the FBA is used to evaluate the need for special education services. If a student already has a 504 or IEP and is demonstrating new behaviors impacting their learning, legally an FBA must be done.
2) Federal law requires an FBA when behaviors by a student classified with a 504 or IEP lead to discipline or removal from the school. The FBA is used to determine risks related to the use of threats, drugs, or weapons.