Amy Domm

Steps to Completing an FBA

3 Steps to Completing an FBA

  • August 8, 2023 at 12:16 PM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
Step 1:  The team identifies and defines the problem and replacement behaviors.  The team must clearly define the behaviors so that anyone observing would be able to observe said behaviors.  

Step 2:  Data is collected on the behaviors to provide information about when, where, and how frequently the student is demonstrating the behaviors.  Also important is to determine how long the behavior lasts.  This can be done with checklists and interviews with the student and parents. An ABC Checklist is an ideal tool for identifying the behavior and the consequences of maintaining it.

Step 3:  After data has been collected, the next step is to identify the function of the behavior.  A functional assessment matrix is helpful to determine if the behavior is used to avoid performing certain tasks, receive attention or tangible items or activities or sensory conditions.