2015 SIM Conference Participant

Your thoughts on Micro-Credentialing and SIM

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  • Last updated June 18, 2015 at 11:22 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Post your answers to the following questions.
  • What are your thoughts about the new SIM micro-credential badge program?  
  • How will you use them in your practice?

All posted evidence

Excited to use this to validate the learning and expertise of teachers

This is a great way to validate the expertise of teachers. Once we learned this, it will be an efficient way to keep record of the expansion of capacity across the state.
lloeser Over 9 years ago

This is great and you all have worked very hard to make it happen. Good job!

kuamber Over 9 years ago

I'm not sure how this process enhances what I do, but I will keep considering it.

juliaeyer Over 9 years ago

Stay positive. Explore the power. Enjoy the multiple uses from many perspective.

Mel Brooks was wrong.  We do need "stinking badges."  Seems like this project should be use systematically and periodically-often.  Seems like a great way to eliminate a box or two in the garage.  As with Course, Unit, Lesson Organizers it requires the user to reflect, think, engage at a greater intensity than previous.  The benefits are serious and overarching.  More to think about, do.  Time to check on staying positive.

cschnied Over 9 years ago

Micro Credentialing and SIM

I think that this is a great tool.  I'm looking forward to adding my badges and bringing this to my PD participants.
alee Over 9 years ago

Wednesday, July 15 Ben Roome and Patty Graner

This looks like a positive way to recognize accomplishments and expertise.
kspielman Over 9 years ago

Badges are common skills currency that can show both horizontal and vertical competencies.

This is the largest Teacher Professional Development initiative going on. Badges can be and are posted in a digital format. Open badges were created by Mozilla and MacArthur Foundation recognizing that there needed to be recognition for skills that are learned--anywhere. 'Open Badges' is the new standard for credentialing. They are digital micro-credentials.  Teachers create the badges and the requirements for earning them. I like the term 'constellation' of badges. Students earn a constellation of badges to display their competencies in any given area. They are already familiar with badges if they play video games, are in Scouts--even DIY network has badges kids can earn.

Badge images are created by teachers--I would think that this could be a collaborative effort among teachers and/or with students--much like the co-constructs we do in our CER's. Talk about personalized learning!
It seems that the more professional looking the badges are--the more meaningful they become. Free Badge Maker can be used for this. 

Evidence is the key--these are the requirements for earning badges. What I wonder about is the proficiency required for earning a badge--since we are still in the grading through assessment--if a student makes three attempts before earning a badge, does that equate to a "C"?

Invite--Guide--Award.  The three steps in badging.

Is there an up/down side to displaying who has/has not earned a badge?

Earning badges as SIM Professional Developers shows each PDer's areas of expertise. Very exciting. Like a CER, badges keep us focused on each area of expertise. Things can have a way of becoming convoluted .

This is a way for the public to see our competencies and know that we are what we say we are. We are not 'just a title'. Not just a 'certificate of completion'--but a valid, evidenced-based proof of mastery.

burney1067 Over 9 years ago

I think this is a great way to build capacity in districts. Some are only interested in specific strategies or routines.

retired6 Over 9 years ago

Slow but cautious.

The micro-credentialing is an interesting idea.  For new participants and PDers I think it will be great.  I also think that for people who are competitive and like collecting things this will be very motivating.  For me.....time will tell.
bethlasky Over 9 years ago

This will be an excellent way to reward teachers for the hard work they do when implementing a new strategy. Will encourage growth in SIM.

cjamison Over 9 years ago

What an exciting new direction for SIM! Micro-credentials will provide educators with a way to document progress through SIM.

sallie Over 9 years ago

Great way to keep track of who is learning similar skills and where each is in mastery as well as sharing evidence in an effort to support.


- Can create own badges with own expectations
- Allows for others who want to master same skill to access evidence required and posted by others
- Evidence is key - you can add as many as you want as well as type of evidence (video, picture, other badges needed prior to this badge)
- Has invite, guide and award directions
- ben@badgelist.com
- No cost to the SIM network
- Learner groups can communicate
probsts Over 9 years ago