2015 SIM Conference Participant

Your thoughts on Micro-Credentialing and SIM

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  • Last updated June 18, 2015 at 11:22 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Post your answers to the following questions.
  • What are your thoughts about the new SIM micro-credential badge program?  
  • How will you use them in your practice?

All posted evidence

Great idea - long time coming! Really glad that we will be able to offer micro credentials.

bevvycolombo Over 9 years ago

Love the micro-credentialing. Already thinking about how my students can earn badges for showing mastery.

kjjansen Over 9 years ago

This process has so many possibilities to organize our local SIM network. We will use the badge process as part of our job embedded PD.

tjbv2004 Over 9 years ago

Tthis is a new and exciting way to show what you know.

It's going to take awhile to get everything completed. 
stephstrenge Over 9 years ago

I believe that the provision of this form of recognition and credential is going to be well-received by teachers and administrators alike.

kbgast Over 9 years ago


swoodruf Over 9 years ago

Micro-credentialing can be a great asset to the network and individual participants.

As an individual, this is a way to keep real-time evidence of the activities and outcomes of SIM professional development and applications.  It could be used as a source for qualifying to become a professional developer, to document continuing education, and to share ideas among members of the network.
mbeech Over 9 years ago

"EYE POPPING & WOW!!" This is definitely an amazing way of evolving the resume of the 21st century.

  • What are your thoughts about the new SIM micro-credential badge program? My thoughts about the new SIM micro-credential badge program..............  It is amazing.  This will be a great way of professionals to post new accolades, PD, expertise,etc. the list is infinite. 
  • How will you use them in your practice?  I will use this system not only for myself but would also love to share this implementation with my teachers.  This will be a great way to show off the SIMtastic teachers at my campus.
cm_ic_sim Over 9 years ago

Looking forward to exploring and learning through badges

ginna Over 9 years ago

Micro-Credentialing thoughts...this has potential!

janach Over 9 years ago

Seems to be an effective efficient way to maintain a SIM resume

1. Micro-credentialing (badges) seems to be an effective efficient way to maintain a SIM resume for those of us interested in the role of professional developer. I am wondering about teachers who attend my session who only want to implement the LS or CER that they are learning.

2. As I learn more about it, it will become clearer to me about how to use it. 
meo_sim_2015 Over 9 years ago

Creating groups and building evidence that can be used for feedback

I am very interested in looking toward creating my own groups and building evidence that can be used for feedback toward teacher goal setting and eventual “mastery” to earn the badge.  I also like the ability to stack badges to build levels of capacity and better connections between SIM and CCSS, RTI, etc.
rosemary Over 9 years ago