2015 SIM Conference Participant

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  • Last updated June 17, 2015 at 1:34 PM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
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Great sessions everyone. So happy to work with such amazing presenters and the SIM team to help coordinate and work at the conference.

peonya-ku-edu Almost 4 years ago

Both the math and writing were great. I liked the StarWriter. They can work at their pace. Math is very user friendly and helpful.

cajamunro Over 5 years ago

Richard Culatta's Keynote was interesting on technology in education trends. Really like learning positioning systems!

jillhageman Almost 9 years ago

Theme writing is a hot topic in schools.

Jean's timing for presenting on the newly developed theme writing strategies was perfect.  The need for helping students become better in their construction of narrative, persuasive, and argumentive writing in various content areas is critical.  The theme writing strategies meet these needs.  
gkoenig Almost 9 years ago

Keynote- 2015 SIM Conference

Rick had some great ideas that reinforced the ideas I have on evolving education- personalized learning, technology use. working smarter not harder, and feedback in real time with visualization of their learning.  When I think of the research on goal setting for the SIM LS I see the alignment but innovation!
susannejames Almost 9 years ago

I am appreciative that there is no cost for the badges. PDer for many years - I appreciate not needing to post evidence for each one.

akyorks78 Almost 9 years ago

A great time to collaborate with professional developers in other states about challenges and experiences.

lisaatkins78 Almost 9 years ago

The Scientific Argumentation Routine

The Scientific Argumentation Routine, when used with fidelity, has the potential to cognitively engage students in thinking through the argumentative process.  This skill set is important not only as we move forward into our new science standards, but also for clearly looking at social and scientific claims presented to us throughout our lives.
nanette Over 9 years ago

The session on Action Research was helpful and timely as teachers work to validate their practices within the classroom setting.

cougar_12 Over 9 years ago

Understanding Academic Langauge by Frances Ihle

Until now, conversations among the teachers I work with re: academic language have been numerous and scattered.  I see this LS for setting structure to professional conversation, checking knowledge of those unfamiliar with the concept, finding common vocabulary for discussion, and, finally, teaching students to engage in academic language.  It looks like a lovely fit for thinking about CLC.
cschnied Over 9 years ago

Theme Writing: Informative Writing. This new strategy meets the needs of teachers in every content area. Great links to resources.

holly Over 9 years ago

The session on informative theme writing was exciting; teachers have been asking for this. The online links make the strategy user-friendly.

cmac Over 9 years ago