2015 SIM Conference Participant

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  • Last updated June 17, 2015 at 1:34 PM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
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The GIST pre-conference was wonderful - GIST 2 has moved forward leaps and bounds and the partnership with Homework App will be incredible.

bevvycolombo Over 9 years ago

The technology keynote was excellent. However, it was ironic that the audio and visual quality was compromised by the bandwidth.

tjbv2004 Over 9 years ago

SIM Micro-credentials with Graner and Roome...can provide scaffolded supports for building SIM PDers

Since SIM is all about scaffolded supports in the classroom, it seems only right that we provided a scaffolded path to becoming a certified SIM Professional Developer. Micro-credentialing looks like a promising way to do this. I am pondering what badges we might create for our SPDG SIM Project in Florida...
jcreneti Over 9 years ago

GIST Pre-Conference Session

Spent the day learning all about GIST 2 and GIST Mobile.  Now need to spend time making COs for my university courses using Course Builder.  Looking forward to getting started.
bethlasky Over 9 years ago

I really enjoy listening to Mr. Culatta...I wish he could have been here in person.

kjjansen Over 9 years ago

Participated in DVTs with Ed, Vicky and Sue. Discussion on different samples and how to plan for implementation were very informative.

justlearn Over 9 years ago

Keynote was interesting. Sound was a challenge but hearing the trends was very interesting to know what is happening at the Fed level.

lmclachlan Over 9 years ago

Ben seemed very knowledgeable.

swoodruf Over 9 years ago

Richard Culatta did a wonderful job inspiring the participants via google hangout on the Transformation in Learning.

egibbs Over 9 years ago

Technology...exploring the potential to revolutionize learning in the classroom!

I'm glad Richard was able to join us via Google Hangouts this morning.  I look forward to exploring the resources he shared with us.
janach Over 9 years ago

DVTs highlighted the value of thoughtful verbal prompts to direct completion of well constructed graphic organizers.

kojile Over 9 years ago

Culatta's Technology as a Tool

As a member of a team that's designing online curriculum resources for an i3 grant, I was heartened to hear the same message from Dr. Culatta that we have heard in our own training for the collaborative online work.  I look forward to seeing how we can bring the content enhancement routines into the 21st century, allowing students to collaborate while engaging in co-construction with the teacher.  Ensuring kids can access the devices on their own once they've had an appropriate amount of classroom training is also an exciting idea for generalization.  (I see a connection to badging for students here...)
mbentz Over 9 years ago