2. Foundation Framer - Nestling

Reflection 2

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  • Last updated August 29, 2019 at 7:47 AM
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Teachers as designers How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher creativity? How is the lesson Novel, Effective, & Whole? How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher as designer?

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Teachers as Designers

Being able to assemble this information within the TPACK framework allows me to design the Resource Development & Marketing course through the lens of "what" not "how."  I can focus on what my students need to accomplish by the end of the course rather than how they need to accomplish it.  We can spend less time on catching everyone up to speed on different technologies by making everything available within Blackboard.  
This is Novel in that previously, instructors were tasked with assembling courses independently with Blackboard as an available tool.  This lead to lack of standardization among the different courses and student frustration.  We would like to position the NSFA CEFL program on something that is manageable alongside daily work.  Previously, the multiple steps that changed every four weeks with instructors created a lot of confusion and a need to constantly retrain students on the "how." 
This is Effective in that students can be given general information on how to use and access Blackboard as the single source for all incoming and outgoing communication.  Additionally, all the links and resources are housed within this program so that all the information can be easily accessed in one place.  Students can save everything directly from their login account so they can maintain files for future use.
This is Whole in that it allows for a wide variety of functionality within a single program that is secure, creative and innovative.  As technology changes, these functions are expected to improve as well, making it easy for students to access, use, and be updated.
sbender Over 4 years ago

Reflection #2

Teachers as designers How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher creativity?
Teachers are often task in finding creative and unique ways to teach traditional content and standards in the curriculum. My decisions in this process show teacher creativity by allowing choice in student work and by helping students overcome obstacles (such as Covid-19 policies) by using technology. This is especially prevalent during the conferencing component of the unit. In the classroom, we must abide by social distancing rules and this makes it hard to peer-conference our writing in the traditional aspect. Instead, I chose to make the peer-conference workshop like an online interview process. I act as a facilitator, allowing students to explore interview techniques and strategies online and implement them through Google Meets with each other and sharing their Google Docs. I merely lead students by providing certain areas that they could focus on in their interviewing process such as looking for sentence fluency, presentation of ideas, and the organization of the storytelling in the writing. Students no longer view this activity as editing their partners papers, but they now find a real-world connection to the activity. They feel like they are learning a skill that may apply to their lives later on while still accomplishing the task of helping each other improve on their paper appearance along with their interview skills 

How is the lesson Novel, Effective, & Whole?
The lesson/unit is novel, effective, and whole by incorporating different technology, content, and teaching strategies/pedagogy. All students learn in completely different ways, so I must teach in different ways in order to meet each individual students at their needs. The unit starts in a traditional setting with me directly teaching the content. It then moves to grouped teaching and learning with students more at the forefront. This section allows for more differentiation and student choice throughout the activities such as tiered reading circles, student choice journaling, and outline and diagraming narratives with different technology tools. The unit then moves into a student-centered environment. Students begin to become the active participant in their learning through peer-conferencing and creating individual movie posters that coincide with their own personal narrative. 

How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher as designer?
My decisions in the process have been an example of teacher as a designer by allowing student collaboration, discussion, choice, and using projects with technology. Though I do believe that this unit/lesson has various places for improvement where I could implement a more student-centered environment and become a teacher as designer. Through most of the unit, I act as a manager and conductor of learning. Even during times of collaboration, conferencing, and student-choice, there is still quite a bit of structure and guidance from me. I think I could redesign this unit to involve students more and allow for spontaneous and complex learning by asking for student in-put and allowing students to become more involved in the planning process. Instead of me structuring the whole unit, I could consult students and create a truly project-based learning unit where I act as a facilitator the whole time and not just part of the time.

erinmac Over 4 years ago

Reflection 2 - Teacher as Designer

Crafting a lesson is both creative and analytical. As the TPACK and SAMR models show, each pedagogical choice is multi-faceted. A teacher must have an awareness of the context within which she teaches, must know her content well, must have developed a pedagogy rooted in both experience and training, and have an understanding of how to authentically implement technology as an asset rather than a distractor or "accessory". 

That being said, the end result is a lesson that is entirely unique to the teacher and her students. It is "novel". Teaching 17-year-olds to write complex, college-level literary analysis is an uphill battle, and no two years of teaching it goes exactly the same. It is an organic process that evolves as the expedition up the hill continues. Thus, "novel". I think frameworks such as these are a useful tool in hitting that "effective" mark. Considering content, pedagogy, technology, and the context of it all is a simple and fairly quick process that can produce a more effective lesson than if the framework wasn't used. Finally, both frameworks help a teacher design a whole product. So many lessons fall flat or are one dimensional simply because not enough thought was put into all aspects of it.

The lesson I focused on was one where students were working on literary analysis skills, particularly thesis writing. The goal was to write a thesis that was strong, as it identified complexity in the text. This would be accomplished through group collaboration, peer and teacher evaluation, and revision. Considering how this lesson should go within the framework of TPACK and SAMR ensured that this lesson would not only effectively meet my learning goals, but also use technology to more efficiently meet those goals. Considering the lesson through these frameworks felt intentional and purposeful -- I was taking what I normally do very quickly in my head and instead putting it on paper and really crafting/designing an experience that was deliberate, mindful, and purposeful. 
waterscourt Over 4 years ago

Reflection 2

  1. How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher creativity? I think that this lesson demonstrates creativity because it has new and engaging ways to get students to complete an older assignment. I also think that it creates a safe space for students to be creative due to the anonymity involved. 
  2. How is the lesson Novel, Effective, & Whole? I think that this lesson is novel because it is a new spin on an old idea. I think that it is effective because students have adequate time and assignments scaffolded to complete the assignment, as well as plenty of feedback. It is whole because students can see their product from start to finish and it links in with a years long project they have been working on-- their digital portfolios. 
  3. How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher as designer? The decision that most closely reflects me as a teacher designer is creating the string of anonymous feedback for students. Instead of only working with the students who are dealing with heavier topics, everyone can interact and help each other through feedback. 
kelseymcdonald7 Over 4 years ago

Reflection: Teacher as a Designer

My lessons are unique because I do not have a set curriculum to follow. I am able to create my lessons solely based on standards and my own creativity. This also allows me to effectively scaffold lessons so students truly understand the concepts I’m teaching. The creativity comes into play when I’m using the SAMR model. I’ll take a concept I want my students to learn - like Writing News Stories - and then I have to use my creativity to imagine the best way to teach the lesson that is novel, effective and whole. Students do not want to memorize/take notes, so the question becomes: How can I plan a lesson that will allow students to master concepts to the point they could explain it to me or help another student with project-based learning? I decided to have students analyze leads, re-arrange stories so they are in the correct order, and then they will write their own news stories. They will have to choose a topic, prepare interview questions and interview two people all before coming back and organizing their notes, creating a story, and then editing it. By working through every step in a real-life example students will effectively learn how to write news stories in one project. My thought process moved me from planning a lesson to being a true designer because I had to layout each step, ensure that my plan would meet each standard, and that through this project students would have an effective and whole lesson. If I sent students out without preparation, they would fail. My design scaffolds the project so it is manageable and setting students up for success.
khsmith2 Over 4 years ago

Reflection 2

example of teacher creativity- Watching a Youtube video of drone footage of a volcano. Having a 3D model of a volcano for the students to examine.

How is the lesson Novel, Effective, and Whole- by combining auditory learning, visual learning, and kinesthetic learning.

example of teacher as designer-  by finding the videos, setting up the chatroom, and creating the 3D model
caleb_case97 Over 4 years ago

Reflection Pt. 2

My decisions in this process are an example of teacher creativity and designing because I am able to freely create and design a lesson plan that includes a variety of instructional strategies. This lesson is novel, effective, and whole because it is student centered, creative, and innovative. The students are able to do things in a personalized manner so each blog post and website is unique! 
yasmine-fields Over 5 years ago

Reflection 2

Putting this lesson together took a lot of creativity. VR and 3D printing were not options when I was in fifth grade. I really needed to think about the technologies we have in schools these days to really look at my options of what I could do for this lesson. Having these technologies allows a teacher to get even more creative. Many teachers are already creative as it is, and now you hand them these and their creativity is unstoppable. This lesson is NEW because we are sticking to the same regular standard wanted by the state just with a new twist. The lesson will be effective because it will be up to date with the technologies with the time and gain the students attention. Every time I have been in a classroom and the students have gotten to use technology, they seem to light up and take more from it. My decisions in this process makes me feel like a designer because I am having to work all of these technologies and lessons into one. I had to design a new way to teach a what seemed to be a simple lesson when looking at a textbook but simple does not always mean good. I believe this new design of this lesson will benefit the students because of how much they will actually enjoy going into space and how much they will gain from all of the technologies and lessons in general.
mackenziehardin Over 5 years ago

Below is where I reflect about my decisions in the process.

          1. How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher creativity?
  a.     My decisions in this process have been an example of teacher creativity in many ways. One way I used my creativity is coming up with a lesson that incorporates technology, pedagogy, and content. Coming up with something that will cross all of these and help students is a challenging feat, that needs a lot of creativity. On the SAMR scale, the higher you get, the more creativity it requires. Another way I used teacher creativity, is deciding that the students will make the goods that they are going to buy and sell. This will not only help students grasp the concept more, but it will allow students to express their creative side.          

 2.  How is the lesson Novel, Effective & Whole?
a.    This lesson is novel, because it presents price and what buying and selling goods looks like in a new way. It’s effective, because it is very hands on and the students are more likely to understand the distinction of buying verses selling goods, if they are actively participating in the learning process. It is whole, because this activity has the ability for multiple levels of differentiation to make sure all students understand what’s happening.        
3.     How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher as a designer?
a.     My decisions in this process have been an example as a teacher being the designer. I’m making the decisions on what to teach, how to teach it, and what technology to use. I designed this lesson from start to finish, so I got to make the decisions on what I thought would be best for my “students”.
jessica-mixell Over 5 years ago

Teachers as designers reflection

  1. How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher creativity? I see this as an example of teacher creativity because I’m choosing to include more variables to give students more options to do it in a way that they find interactive, fun, and meaningful to how they want to complete the lesson. It also gives them more options on what to focus on, they choose which plant and how they want to show the model and they can design their own data table or graphic organizer which best fits them. 
  2. How is the lesson Novel, Effective, & Whole? This lesson involves and utilizes creativity in education. They are getting to use the technology to make it their own while also focusing on the curriculum required. They are learning what they have to know but they are doing it in ways that make sense to them and make them want to continue the lesson. 
  3. How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher as designer? Teachers as designers are there to make the learning process more efficient but meaningful. They’re also trying to make it effective as well. I feel my decisions in using these apps to track growth patterns makes it more efficient because we don’t have to be using up class times, tracing and drawing outside because they can take their photos as they need and track them at a pace that isn’t rushed. Another example I believe as a designer is using the computer to create graphic organizers or plans to help the students make choices and to create data tables that help them keep track of information. We aren’t just using paper and books to track things, we are using more detail-oriented programs to get more direct and correct information.
klarysa-hawrot Over 5 years ago