2. Foundation Framer - Nestling Public

EdTecBSU - Digital Fliers

This microcredential focus on several of the theories and frameworks for technology integration. Specifically TPACK and SAMR

Required Evidence

TPACK/SAMR Diagram - Create/Copy TPACK Diagram

Deconstruct a lesson using the TPACK & SAMR frameworks. Identify all the possible content/pedagogy/technology for how the lesson may be taught. Make decisions in the overlaps. Where does your lesson fall within SAMR? How would the lesson look different at each level of SAMR? More Info

Reflection 1

Reflect on the process you’ve just worked through. Consider your decision-making throughout this process How do your instructional decisions, the technologies used, the teachers & students roles change as you describe your lesson at each SAMR level? More Info

Reflection 2

Teachers as designers How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher creativity? How is the lesson Novel, Effective, & Whole? How have your decisions in the process been an example of teacher as designer? More Info

Badge Overview

Foundation Framer - Nestling

This microcredential focuses on the teacher as the central decision maker about the content they teach, how they teach, and the technologies they choose to use (or have their students use) to meet their learning goals and objectives. 


For this assignment you will be making visible the decision-making process teachers go through when considering technology integration. To do this

  1. Use the following link to make a copy of Google drawing file of the TPACK diagram.

2. Make a copy for your own use.

Domains of Knowledge:

  1. Consider & identify the various contextual factors that impact your instructional context where learning and teaching occur.
    1. Factors within the classroom?
    2. Factors within the district?
    3. Factors at the state & national levels?
  2. Within the larger section of the content domain, identify all of the component parts having to do with the content being taught.
    1. The content you plan to teach
    2. The instructional goals for students
    3. Standards you to be covered
  3. Within the larger section of the pedagogy domain, identify all of the different ways the content you just identified could be taught (think about both teacher-centered & student centered approaches, ways you’ve seen, ways you’ve been taught, ways you’d like to teach the content).
  4. Within the larger section of the technology domain, identify all of the possible technologies available for you to use within your instructional context (consider not only technologies within your classroom, but within the school, community, etc…)
Now, time for some decisions…
  1. Content/Pedagogy knowledge domain overlap
    1. How will this lesson be taught?
      1. Select which pedagogical strategies do you plan to use to teach this content.
    2. Pedagogy/Technology knowledge domain overlap
      1. What kinds of technologies can support the various pedagogical strategies?
        1. Select which technologies you/students would use to support this pedagogical strategies.
      2. Content/Technology knowledge domain overlap
        1. Identify all of the technologies that could be used to learn about this content (Remember: you’re just thinking about content and technology here, not pedagogy).
Bring it all together
  1. Within the center of the TPACK diagram, consider the PCK, PTK, & CTK domain overlaps and make your final decisions about the content, pedagogy, and technology used to teach this lesson.
SAMR Shift your focus to the SAMR box. Reflect back on the process you just went through in making decisions about your lesson.
  1. Where would your lesson fit within the SAMR model?
  2. Place a brief description of your lesson on the level of SAMR you’ve selected.
Revisit your completed TPACK diagram. Use the information you’ve already provided to rethink your lesson. What would your lesson look like if you designed it at the different levels of SAMR?
  1. Write a brief description for your lesson at each level of SAMR.
    1. Provide information about how content will be taught & what kinds of technologies are used.

Badge Experts


Alex Lopez


Badge awarded on 10/8/21

Amy Jo Bye


Badge awarded on 12/10/21

Audrey Pearson


Badge awarded on 10/1/20

Bennet Bediako


Badge awarded on 10/1/20

Brenda Harder


Badge awarded on 10/1/20

Brittany Ratcliff


Badge awarded on 10/1/20

Brooklyn Sorensen


Badge awarded on 12/14/20

Brylee Foster


Badge awarded on 10/1/20

Cassie Jacoboski


Badge awarded on 10/1/20

Cathy Turpen


Badge awarded on 10/8/21

Chantel Mills


Badge awarded on 9/22/20

Charis Vander Plaats


Badge awarded on 11/11/21

Badge Learners


Abby Brosseau


Joined badge on 8/22/19

Abigale Wiggam


Joined badge on 1/20/21

Alethea Kessler


Joined badge on 1/26/21

Alex Hupe


Joined badge on 2/18/21

Alex Lopez


Joined badge on 2/18/21

Amber Burnett


Joined badge on 8/22/19

Brittany Hamm


Joined badge on 1/5/20

Caleb Case


Joined badge on 8/28/20

Carter Wolf


Joined badge on 8/27/19

Cassidy Mattingly


Joined badge on 9/3/19

Chase Eldridge


Joined badge on 12/5/19

Christian Howe


Joined badge on 2/13/22