Being able to assemble this information within the TPACK framework allows me to design the Resource Development & Marketing course through the lens of "what" not "how." I can focus on what my students need to accomplish by the end of the course rather than how they need to accomplish it. We can spend less time on catching everyone up to speed on different technologies by making everything available within Blackboard.
This is Novel in that previously, instructors were tasked with assembling courses independently with Blackboard as an available tool. This lead to lack of standardization among the different courses and student frustration. We would like to position the NSFA CEFL program on something that is manageable alongside daily work. Previously, the multiple steps that changed every four weeks with instructors created a lot of confusion and a need to constantly retrain students on the "how."
This is Effective in that students can be given general information on how to use and access Blackboard as the single source for all incoming and outgoing communication. Additionally, all the links and resources are housed within this program so that all the information can be easily accessed in one place. Students can save everything directly from their login account so they can maintain files for future use.
This is Whole in that it allows for a wide variety of functionality within a single program that is secure, creative and innovative. As technology changes, these functions are expected to improve as well, making it easy for students to access, use, and be updated.
This is Novel in that previously, instructors were tasked with assembling courses independently with Blackboard as an available tool. This lead to lack of standardization among the different courses and student frustration. We would like to position the NSFA CEFL program on something that is manageable alongside daily work. Previously, the multiple steps that changed every four weeks with instructors created a lot of confusion and a need to constantly retrain students on the "how."
This is Effective in that students can be given general information on how to use and access Blackboard as the single source for all incoming and outgoing communication. Additionally, all the links and resources are housed within this program so that all the information can be easily accessed in one place. Students can save everything directly from their login account so they can maintain files for future use.
This is Whole in that it allows for a wide variety of functionality within a single program that is secure, creative and innovative. As technology changes, these functions are expected to improve as well, making it easy for students to access, use, and be updated.