Mackenzie Hardin

Reflection 2

Reflection 2

  • September 10, 2019 at 11:08 AM
  • Visible to public
Putting this lesson together took a lot of creativity. VR and 3D printing were not options when I was in fifth grade. I really needed to think about the technologies we have in schools these days to really look at my options of what I could do for this lesson. Having these technologies allows a teacher to get even more creative. Many teachers are already creative as it is, and now you hand them these and their creativity is unstoppable. This lesson is NEW because we are sticking to the same regular standard wanted by the state just with a new twist. The lesson will be effective because it will be up to date with the technologies with the time and gain the students attention. Every time I have been in a classroom and the students have gotten to use technology, they seem to light up and take more from it. My decisions in this process makes me feel like a designer because I am having to work all of these technologies and lessons into one. I had to design a new way to teach a what seemed to be a simple lesson when looking at a textbook but simple does not always mean good. I believe this new design of this lesson will benefit the students because of how much they will actually enjoy going into space and how much they will gain from all of the technologies and lessons in general.