App Review

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  • Last updated December 13, 2017 at 3:55 AM
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Video Posted to Canvas App Review Assignment
tdshogren Almost 7 years ago

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This app can allow for differentiated instruction by allowing for students to use create a mind map that best fits their needs. Whether they need more or less information for their map, they can customize their own information. If they need to make a list that details out multiple sections and lists or they can use quick short links asa quick reminders.  It can also be used to create multiple projects. If a student needs to make a poster rather than a paper, this app can help the student create a number of different projects.
Curriculum Connections
MindMeister does not really help teach any lesson. However, it could be used by the teacher to help a student better understand a lesson and the connections that it has within it. This app can best be used by the student to apply their knowledge rather than learning it.
The student can use this app to help create a finished product, though I could not see them publishing the original mind map that they made. This is more of a tool, rather than the book, such as the Book Creator app. 
This app may only be used for different areas of school work, though there is a wide range of ways that this could be used. Mind mapping can be a useful organization tool and help students to work out their thoughts for papers or projects and even be used for notes. It may not be helpful to the students outside of the classroom, but it can be used throughout the students' career.
The app has a range of options available to personalize and customize different aspects of the app. From changing the background and colors to importing personal photos and videos. Some of these personalizations only come with the actual purchase of the app rather than the original free version. 
tdshogren Almost 7 years ago


cassvandervoort Almost 7 years ago

Extra information

Engagement: This app is easy to use and initiates activity with the student immediately. It provides personal engagement because of the results and questions it asks. It encourages independent engagement activities for a student. 

Developmental Appropriateness : This app would be appropriate for students 2nd-12th grade. The personalized learning factor will help the questions and content adapt to the learning level of the student. However, there is prior knowledge required such as simple math skills, reading, and simple writing structure skills. 

Instructional Design: This app provides personalized learning for each student. The initial quiz the student takes determines the levels of instruction the student would need. I think it would meet the students learning needs because the content is based around what the student already knows and needs to work more on. It provides interactive content and results/assessment reflections for the student to refer to (curriculum connection). 

Motivation : I think this app would appeal more to older students because of the design and lack of animations. The app layout could also be confusing for younger students. However, it would work for some younger grades if they had supervision and could be kept on track. It does provides games for the students to work through and shows the progress of the student, seeing their own improvement as they learn more. Whenever students progress through their subjects, they open more study tools to use. 

Accessibility: I think app could work for most learning styles, however, it would work best for independent learners. It does provide the visual of the problems/questions while you answer them and can read them out loud to students. This app is personalized, in regards to content, toward the student. Step by step instructions are provided when going through questions, and examples are shown before you answer. This app would be best with independent learners because they can work through concepts they personally struggle with and see their own progress. 
paytonmarie About 7 years ago

descriptions forgotten

This app allows all users to show their own side of creativity and personalization. It gives students the ability to display their knowledge through an easy assessable way. allowing students to use their own ideas and display it through a video or picture with just a few clicks makes it easy for all users. It also is great for teachers cause it allows quick activity and ideas to be taught or displayed. 
Blooms taxonomy is seen through this app because it allows all users of any level to use it. It allows those to post original work, work together, and recall facts and basic concepts!
mcne4432 About 7 years ago

StudyPop App Review

Bloom’s Taxonomy- Remember: This app requires both students playing to pull from what they’ve learned to quiz each other and prove that they’ve memorized the terms and ID’s. One student has to give a definition or facts about the term so that the other student can guess what is being described.

Content and Components- Authenticity: The app would work best in an educational classroom setting or even outside of the classroom in a group study setting. Curriculum Connections: App covers a wide range of curriculum in many subjects and grade levels. Only downside is that you cannot edit or add terms in the game function. Differentiation: App does not have different settings for students, but they can choose what grade level and content material they want to study. Publishing: Students cannot publish or export any of the evidence from the study set levels.

Logistics and Flow- The StudyPop app is very easy to use and students only have a certain amount of options to choose from on the app so they can’t get sidetracked and off topic in the app. There are no advertisements which helps keeps stay focused. The image and sound quality is great and very appealing to the eye. The app provides a great way to study with a partner so teachers can pair students up in the class and have them play the game together which would help with classroom management. The app flows very well and it works in an order that allows students to pick their study set, play the game with a partner, and then review what they missed and what they got right. The app cycles through all the terms and ID’s so each game of the study set is different but students still stay in the same study cycle of quizzing and reviewing.

Evidence of Learning- Research: The app challenges students over a wide amount of information to test their knowledge over many subjects and categories. Development: The app is set up in a way that students can quiz each other on certain study sets and then review the answer they missed so they can try again later. Presentation: The app does not really allow for any presentation except to show other the results of their games. Participation: Students are encouraged to use any type of information they know about a term to convey that term to their partner so they can guess the correct answer. Most of the game is focused on memorization and reciting definitions of the terms though. Design: The app could support creativity if students are willing to be imaginative with their hints for the terms that they’re trying to get their partner to guess.

Substitution vs. Transformation Model- Substitute: The app substitutes filling out a review worksheet or making flashcards to study terms and ID’s. Augment: The app turns studying terms and ID’s into a fun game that students can challenge each other with. Modify: The app allows students to verbally give information about a term or ID instead of writing down a textbook answer on a review sheet. Redefine: The app does not allow students to create and execute a new task, they are still studying just through a different mode than usual. Amplify: The app does not allow student to deepen their skills on a larger scale outside of their teacher and student interactions.
mcorbly About 7 years ago

App Evaluation Guidelines - Coffee Cup

1. Engagement - This app is extremely easy to use and has an intuitive interface. In regard to new ways to learn, it's really just learning through song and movement. 
2. Developmental Appropriateness - Students in the younger grades would find the app's content appropriate and appealing. It's colorful, it has a numerous amount of fun little figures on the page, and its dancing and singing. 
3. Instructional Design - In regard to teaching, there is some content based videos, but it will take some effort to find exactly what you're looking for. I think it would meet student's learning expectations in that it's learning in a fun and inviting way, rather than just doing worksheets. However, there are no interactive feedback, assessment, or reflection features besides being able to see how many videos you have watched in one day. (curriculum connections) 
4. Motivation - I think this app is extremely inviting for students in the younger grade levels. Students will be intrigued and excited to get up and get moving, while also learning some in the process. This app does not, however, include gaming principles nor does it connect students learning with their lifeworld experiences, like bluetooth or GPS. 
5. Accessibility - I think this app is beneficial for students of all learning styles. If you're a visual learner, you can watch the video's and see the hand motions that are being created; if you learn better by listening, then you can listen to the songs being sung and learn the lyrics, etc. Step by step instruction are provided in some songs as well. There is no way to personalize this app in a meaningful way, besides creating your own figure who will pop up and tell you how many videos you have watched. (differentiation) 

Pros - I think this is a great app to use to get students up and moving rather than having them sitting on their iPhones or tablets the entire time. Parents can use this to further students engagement in content or to get their children up to exercise or to sit down and "think about it," as seen in the video. 
Cons - Regarding accessibility and providing a range of levels for a variety of users with different skill levels is one thing this app lacks. I think there should be a drop down where you can select grade or age levels that allow you to find videos within those ranges easily. All you can do now is watch through the videos yourself and identify if that matches the learners needs. I also feel as though there should be a content drop down so you can select videos over certain subjects, rather than having to search it all on your own. 
cydneedwyer About 7 years ago

Class Dojo App Review Additions

Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Remember: Easy way to send out reminders to students and parents and you can remember how a students behavior was on a certain day by having access to daily reports. 
Understand: Helps students understand what behavior is positive or needs work in the classroom. Adding notes to be specific helps parents understand the child’s behavior in the classroom as well
Apply: Applying this in your classroom and using as a way to keep track of behaviors, assigning groups, sending out notes to parents, and many other uses. 
Analyze: Helps break down each individual student and what may need to be worked on or what the student is succeeding in. 
Evaluate: Helps evaluate the entire class and what you can do to help the students with their behavior or their assignments. Also, evaluate how much the parents are interacting with you and helping their child improve.
Create: Not much creating, by allowing the students to help you create the positive skills and the needs work skills could be one way to make it creative. Also, by allowing the students to choose which monster they would like to be.
Criteria-Content and Differentiation: The app allows students and parents to have access to messages, see the students behavior, and what students are learning. This app is very flexible in how you can create groups, give out points and the other features mentioned. 
Curriculum Connections: This app allows messaging between parents and teachers as a while or individually and being able to post classroom stories for the parents and students to be able to view. Also, allows you to connect to the school and other teachers who use the app.

I have no cons about this app. Everything was amazing and I would consider every aspect of it a pro!
samanthamontz About 7 years ago

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This application would be great in the late middle school to high school age range. It gives an interpretation of each section of the US Constitution. This is good because the Constitution uses phrases that students aren't familiar with, and they might not understand every section, and with this app students can get a better understanding. This app is not interactive. You cannot highlight or write within the app. There is no option to have it read aloud either. This is not a super interactive app, which I find troubling. If you are going to use this app in your classroom, I recommend having notability because you can send sections to other apps, and there you can be interactive. This would be great for differentiation because a teacher can assign an amendment to each student to present to the class, and their students can use this app to get a better understanding and create a new way to remember the certain amendment. This app can help students make connections from what the founding fathers wanted with the Constitution and how it is implemented today. This app is free, but it is not interactive. Hopefully there will be an update that adds the ability to write. This is a nice app, but it is not a necessity. 
maggy-cooper About 7 years ago

The app does not have a whole lot of options but i found out that you can change the characters in each slot to personalize them.

jamielg About 7 years ago

Citeria I discussed in my app review


CONSIDERATONS I chose to consider Bloom’s Taxonomy because I am most familiar with it.
  1. Remember: There is a fact book for every country for students for read through, memorize, and return to 
  2. Understand: Understand how to navigate a map and region, better understand the geography of the globe
  3. Apply: not really much application 
  4. Analyze: The app is very interactive and exact and includes a plethora of content information for each country on the globe
  5. Evaluate: the app includes the map obviously but also link to the CIA factbook as well las Wikipedia  
  6. Create: no 
Differentiation: The app is flexible ad easy for anyone to use. Any student can focus on whichever fact or subject area they wish to focus on
Curriculum connections: Yes. I love that any country you click on its not just a map. It includes people. Government, economics. Communication, military, and so forth  Authenticity: Very accurate and authentic however it doesn’t promote any problem solving 

  1. Limitations- there was no free version 
  2. Advertisement- no ads because its paid for $3.99
  3. Image and Sound quality- the app is very detailed, you can look at it from a street view or a regional view 
  4. Ease of management- it’s not really used to create anything but it’s an excellent facilitator 
  5. User friendliness- easy to use, took me a second to get used to its features 
  6. Inappropriate content accessible- its connected to Wikipedia, which can be good and bad
FLUENCY: Excellent source for research, you could easily go back and forth from this atlas map to a creation app if you were in works of a project. Not so much a sharing app
  1. Research: The app does support emphasis on breadth of knowledge because as I said earlier it’s not just an atlas, it links multiple social studies subject areas together 
  2. Development: You could dig deeper into memorization by self-quizzing but there is no formal assessment tool, which I think is a big fault 
  3. Presentation: Users of the app cannot communicate with each other but they can better connect with their habitat
  4. Participation: I think it allows students to learn better just because it is interactive and it’s not just a piece of paper you have to look at and memorize
  5. Design: no designing, definitely at the lower level of blooms taxonomy verbs
  1. Substitute: This app could replace just a basic map, whether it’s a world map or region map
  2. Augment: Displays functional improvement by being interactive 
  3. Modify: Redesigns a map or textbook because all information is at your fingertips at once 
  4. Redefine: links different subjects, not just geography. EX: communication, economics, human geography, history, military, etc.
  5. Amplify: links Wikipedia but that’s it for global communication 

ENGAGEMENT:  I think the interface is user friendly and intuitive and opens new ways to learn just because each country provides a plethora of information 

DEVELOPMENTAL APPROPRIATENESS The app store says age 4+ but I think it is better applied for secondary grades 6-12. I have a had time believing a 5 year old could navigate the map and the information given  

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN  Geography and historical background is its own subject and very important to secondary education ages 6-12. Like I’ve said, this app is a great facilitator but I do wish it included feedback or quiz assessments. That would make it perfect.

MOTIVATION  It doesn’t really help students connect with each other but it definitely helps students better connect and understand their global surroundings. It’s definitely more motivating than “google earth” or “google maps” or a plain paper map. 

ACCESSIBILITY  It can’t be personalized, but I think is a flaw. It would be great if you could star certain areas you need more help with or certain content area. However, it’s an overall solid app because you can use it at whatever pace you please, wherever you please, pertaining to whichever social studies subject area you please. 
karlyweller About 7 years ago

Extra evidence

iPad App Evaluation for the Classroom:
Criteria-Content and components Differentiation: The app allows students to use subtitles but other than that there is not a lot of flexible settings
Curriculum Connections: This app allows for students to connect what they are learning in the curriculum to outside sources to further their learning
Authenticity: Targets skills are not practiced in a problem based learning environment.
-Logistics -advertisements only at the end of the videos - The app is easy to use -There is no limitations. The app is all inclusive - The images and sound quality is very good - The app doesn't allow for student creation, but it does allow all student to access   videos without a log in - there is no inappropriate content. Everything is on the app for an educational purpose
-Evidence of Learning -The app allows for students to research a large variety of videos - Students can access lots of videos to develop a deeper understanding of the material - The presentation is all videos - there is not participation in the app - the app allows for imagination and learning different things creatively but doesn't ask Any creativity from the user -Substitution vs Transformation model - Replaces reading about a topic - engages students in visual and auditory way - Students use TED to learn about topics outside of the textbook or lecture - students can not create on the app - students have access to a wide variety of videos ranging all kinds of subjects from all over the world

App Evaluation Guidelines (Coffee)
Engagement: The app is user friendly and allows for new ways to learn
Developmental appropriateness: The content is appropriate and the design appeals to all levels
Motivation: The app’s content is inviting for all grade levels and can be used with wifi or cellular data
Accessibility: The app has many learning styles as well as personalized videos based on previously viewed videos.
jacknewberg About 7 years ago