Cydnee Dwyer

Place where you can write extra details

App Evaluation Guidelines - Coffee Cup

  • February 19, 2018 at 6:54 PM
  • Visible to public
1. Engagement - This app is extremely easy to use and has an intuitive interface. In regard to new ways to learn, it's really just learning through song and movement. 
2. Developmental Appropriateness - Students in the younger grades would find the app's content appropriate and appealing. It's colorful, it has a numerous amount of fun little figures on the page, and its dancing and singing. 
3. Instructional Design - In regard to teaching, there is some content based videos, but it will take some effort to find exactly what you're looking for. I think it would meet student's learning expectations in that it's learning in a fun and inviting way, rather than just doing worksheets. However, there are no interactive feedback, assessment, or reflection features besides being able to see how many videos you have watched in one day. (curriculum connections) 
4. Motivation - I think this app is extremely inviting for students in the younger grade levels. Students will be intrigued and excited to get up and get moving, while also learning some in the process. This app does not, however, include gaming principles nor does it connect students learning with their lifeworld experiences, like bluetooth or GPS. 
5. Accessibility - I think this app is beneficial for students of all learning styles. If you're a visual learner, you can watch the video's and see the hand motions that are being created; if you learn better by listening, then you can listen to the songs being sung and learn the lyrics, etc. Step by step instruction are provided in some songs as well. There is no way to personalize this app in a meaningful way, besides creating your own figure who will pop up and tell you how many videos you have watched. (differentiation) 

Pros - I think this is a great app to use to get students up and moving rather than having them sitting on their iPhones or tablets the entire time. Parents can use this to further students engagement in content or to get their children up to exercise or to sit down and "think about it," as seen in the video. 
Cons - Regarding accessibility and providing a range of levels for a variety of users with different skill levels is one thing this app lacks. I think there should be a drop down where you can select grade or age levels that allow you to find videos within those ranges easily. All you can do now is watch through the videos yourself and identify if that matches the learners needs. I also feel as though there should be a content drop down so you can select videos over certain subjects, rather than having to search it all on your own.