Samantha Montz

Place where you can write extra details

Class Dojo App Review Additions

  • February 19, 2018 at 1:09 PM
  • Last updated about 7 years ago
  • Visible to public
Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Remember: Easy way to send out reminders to students and parents and you can remember how a students behavior was on a certain day by having access to daily reports. 
Understand: Helps students understand what behavior is positive or needs work in the classroom. Adding notes to be specific helps parents understand the child’s behavior in the classroom as well
Apply: Applying this in your classroom and using as a way to keep track of behaviors, assigning groups, sending out notes to parents, and many other uses. 
Analyze: Helps break down each individual student and what may need to be worked on or what the student is succeeding in. 
Evaluate: Helps evaluate the entire class and what you can do to help the students with their behavior or their assignments. Also, evaluate how much the parents are interacting with you and helping their child improve.
Create: Not much creating, by allowing the students to help you create the positive skills and the needs work skills could be one way to make it creative. Also, by allowing the students to choose which monster they would like to be.
Criteria-Content and Differentiation: The app allows students and parents to have access to messages, see the students behavior, and what students are learning. This app is very flexible in how you can create groups, give out points and the other features mentioned. 
Curriculum Connections: This app allows messaging between parents and teachers as a while or individually and being able to post classroom stories for the parents and students to be able to view. Also, allows you to connect to the school and other teachers who use the app.

I have no cons about this app. Everything was amazing and I would consider every aspect of it a pro!