1. Partner with active Xtreme Reading or SIM PDer1. Partner with an Active Xtreme Reading Professional Developer or SIM Professional Developer. 2. Post the name of who you will partner with to complete the badge requirements. More Info |
2. Teach the Xtreme Reading Program1. Teach the XR program in its entirety to a person or class. 2. Gather evidence of implementation for portfolios. 3. Provide a narrative log of your overall implementation experiences. 4. Provide a narrative describing coaching, feedback, and follow up. More Info |
3. Xpect to Achieve Portfolio of Implementation1. Describe the class or student. 2. Describe delivery structure and length of implementation. 3. Describe classroom setup. 4. List your selected first novel and share 5 days’ worth of selected words for guided reading. 5. Describe use of classroom observation and/or video during coaching. More Info |
4. Word Level Strategy Portfolio of Implementation1. Provide the name of the word-level strategy chosen. 2. Provide a narrative of implementation experiences. 3. Provide a student portfolio. 4. Submit a narrative describing coaching, feedback, and follow up. 5. Describe use of classroom observation and/or video during coaching. More Info |
5. Reading Comprehen. Strategy Portfolio of Impl.1. Provide the name of the reading comprehension strategy chosen. 2. Provide a narrative of your implementation experiences. 3. Provide a student portfolio. 4. Submit a narrative describing coaching, feedback, and follow up. 5. Describe use of classroom observation and/or video during coaching. More Info |
6. Completion Date1. Enter your date of completion. 2. Click the "Request Feedback" button when you're through. More Info |
Optional: Possible-Selves Trees and InterviewsProvide Possible-Selves Trees and Student Interviews (without identifying information) More Info |
Deirdre Purvispurvisd |
Laura Loftonloftonls |
Nancy Jacobsjacobs_n |
Catherine Leaguecleague |
Catherine Owenskittyowens1 |
Dr. Phyllis Hilldrphyllishill |
Jocelyn Washburnjwashburn |
Kristina BensonKristina_Benson |
Mallorey Jonesmallorey_jones |
Mallorey JonesMJones |
Phyllis L. M. HaynesSPED21 |