Xtreme Reading Fidelity (FI)

1. Partner with active Xtreme Reading or SIM PDer

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated May 20, 2020 at 7:48 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
1. Partner with an Active Xtreme Reading Professional Developer or SIM Professional Developer. 2. Post the name of who you will partner with to complete the badge requirements.

All posted evidence

I will be partnering with Janet Atallah, Rosanne Arvin and Bonnie Palasak.

drphyllishill About 1 year ago

I will be partnering with Bonnie Palasak.

mallorey_jones About 3 years ago

Bonnie Palasak and Janet Atallah

I'll work with both Bonnie Palasak and Janet Atallah because two is better than one.
kristina_benson Over 3 years ago

Bonnie Palasak and Janet Atallah

Bonnie Palasak and Janet Atallah
kittyowens1 Over 3 years ago

Janet Atallah :)

loftonls Over 3 years ago

Janet Atallah Bonnie Palasak

purvisd Over 3 years ago

Janet Atallah Bonnie Palasak Kristin Hope

jacobs_n Over 3 years ago