Xtreme Reading Fidelity (FI)

4. Word Level Strategy Portfolio of Implementation

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  • Last updated May 22, 2020 at 11:49 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
1. Provide the name of the word-level strategy chosen. 2. Provide a narrative of implementation experiences. 3. Provide a student portfolio. 4. Submit a narrative describing coaching, feedback, and follow up. 5. Describe use of classroom observation and/or video during coaching.
Create a portfolio of implementation for one word-level strategy in which you:
  1. Provide the name of the word-level strategy chosen.
  2. Provide a narrative of your implementation experiences (length of implementation, what went well and/or poorly, adjustments made if necessary, ideas generated for issues encountered, and impact.)
  3. Provide a student portfolio (without identifying student information), including progress chart(s) and/or fluency sheets and pre/post-test data.
  4. Submit a narrative describing coaching, feedback, and follow up, identifying your coach.
  5. Describe use of classroom observation and/or video during coaching. Consider featuring the Model Stage for this evidence (optional: post the video and instructional checklist used during the coaching session).

All posted evidence

Google Drive Link to file folder containing video for Word Mapping Roots Lesson

Word Mapping, the strategy that keeps coming back and how it goes in hand with Word ID.

Word Mapping (and Word ID) are strategies you practice all year; having said this, it is a struggle for me to remember all the steps. When giving my lessons on the different word parts (prefixes, roots, suffixes), I often forget to refer to the mnemonic MAPs while going over it. I also forget to think aloud while doing the lesson, though I normally remember when I model the strategies or do the notes. I also forget about the post organizer as I get caught up in teaching, not realizing that's required every time I present a lesson. Compared to last school year, I did get further in the Word Mapping Lessons and made it to Roots; however, I still didn't get as far I would have liked due to testing. I also never got to Suffixes this year. Despite all this, my results of Word Mapping were phenomenal with a variety of students showing mastery in the strategy. Word Id was not as successful; this could be due to not giving the post-test right after teaching the strategy and giving it at the end of year when students were burned out from FSA testing.  While Word Id and Word Mapping are practiced all year, I find students often focus more on the new strategy and forget the steps. This is especially the case regarding the rules of Two and Threes for Word ID; Word Mapping is more straightforward and thus, students are more successful with it. Based on my coaching feedback, I do have some things to work on for next school year. Since I'm entering year 3 of teaching Xtreme, she anticipates me doing well with the strategies. 
kristina_benson Almost 3 years ago

Word Mapping Coach Feedback Sheet

kristina_benson Almost 3 years ago

Word Mapping Verbal Quiz

kristina_benson Almost 3 years ago

Word Mapping and Word Id pre/post test.

kristina_benson Almost 3 years ago

Word Mapping Practice Pages

kristina_benson Almost 3 years ago

#2 Word Identification Narrative

jacobs_n Almost 4 years ago

#5 Word id Coaching information

jacobs_n Almost 4 years ago

#3 Word Identification pre/post test

jacobs_n Almost 4 years ago

#4 Word Identification Post Test

jacobs_n Almost 4 years ago

#4 Fluency Chart Word Identification

jacobs_n Almost 4 years ago

Student portfolio

purvisd Almost 4 years ago