Xtreme Reading Fidelity (FI)

2. Teach the Xtreme Reading Program

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  • Last updated May 26, 2020 at 7:42 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
1. Teach the XR program in its entirety to a person or class. 2. Gather evidence of implementation for portfolios. 3. Provide a narrative log of your overall implementation experiences. 4. Provide a narrative describing coaching, feedback, and follow up.
  1. Teach the XR program in its entirety to a person or class through generaliztion, following the instructional steps in the Instructor’s Notebook and accompanying manuals.
  2. Gather evidence of implementation for portfolios for Xpect to Achieve, one word-level strategy, and one reading comprehension strategy.
  3. Provide a narrative log of your overall implementation experiences (what went well and/or poorly, adjustments made if necessary, ideas generated for issues encountered, and impact.)
  4. Provide a narrative describing coaching, feedback, and follow up, identifying your coach.

All posted evidence

PD reflection and narrative

mjones 14 days ago

Going to the Xtreme in our Reading: How One Year Makes A World of Difference

This is my second year teaching Xtreme reading and it was going well, though my students are losing some motivation due it being the end of the year. I'm on schedule as far as the strategies go, serving more students than last year and have a good mix with different abilities. I got to hand pick these students at the beginning of the year and remove students that I think didn't belong in the program or fit the criteria due to absences/behavior. This was also the case last year, which was a huge help due to personal circumstances in my life. My first year teaching Xtreme, I came back from maternity leave to find my Xtreme class was not taught any of the lessons laid out. I had to start from square one with that group and rush through Paraphrasing and Inferencing to prep students for the FSA. I also had my son ended up in the hospital, which only added to my stressors that year. Despite all this, I had great data at the end of year with majority of my Xtreme students testing out of Intensive Reading. This year, I am finding myself able to do more with the students such as progress charts and implementing book studies. They seem to enjoy the class and help give me relief at the end of my hectic day. I am currently in the Inference strategy with a plan to begin Integration during testing week to prepare for our upcoming post-tests. The only thing I'm still working on improving is my guided reading and trying to follow the prompts for the different strategies. I am also still working on doing a better job monitoring students progress in the strategy.

Evidence will attached at a later date using the Word Level Strategy MAPS/Dissecting and the Reading Comprehension Strategy Paraphrasing.

Coaching: My coach Bonnie is very receptive to my messages and questions; she was big help last year when I was going through my life crises. I feel very supported by the entire Xtreme team and hope I get to teach the program next school year.
kristina_benson Almost 3 years ago

#2 Word Id pre/post test as of 5/21.

jacobs_n Almost 4 years ago

#5 Word Id video and feedback.

jacobs_n Almost 4 years ago

#2 Evidence of word mapping strategy

jacobs_n Almost 4 years ago

#3 Xpect to Achieve Narrative

       Introducing Xpect to Achieve starts out by telling the student they were hand-picked for this special class that will learn about several strategy to help them with reading, comprehension, and how they can become an active reader.   They had to start out by writing out three things that are important to them.  It was fun sharing.   The students where told about all the things that they would be expose to in this class from value of each student, connect reading to goals or dreams and let them know they will see results if they just try in this class.
       We are learning about procedures to start, stop, or change to different activities.  That part was easy.  We learned about PRIDE and what it stood for.  We looked at what the word Achieve stood for so they would understand I was here to teach them something new that would help them learn better.  We had a separate area for their Start up (Do Now) and what was going to be on the agenda.  I had a separate area for the posters and information.
      The students had to learn how to talk to each other in a safe manner and the “Talking Together Skills” helped them do learn how to take turns, how to listen, and how to be understanding.
        I introduced what guided reading was going to look like.  My students look forward to that 10 minutes of reading. 
I explained how this program will close the gap in their reading level.   We complete the pretest on Word Identification and the Word Mapping Pretest.   Xpect to Achieve does just that, it sets the tone of the Xtreme class and sets them up for a successful year.
jacobs_n Almost 4 years ago

# 4 First novel was "Freak the Mighty."

The words that helped the students understand the characters were - sentimental, hoodlum, shudder, slurping, clunker."  Some of these words are old and are not used in everyday language.  We had fun talking about the words and how they were used in the story.
jacobs_n Almost 4 years ago

Studnet work-fluency practice

purvisd Almost 4 years ago

Example of pharaphrasing student work

purvisd Almost 4 years ago

Progress chart of a student in Xtreme

purvisd Almost 4 years ago

Implementation checklist

purvisd Almost 4 years ago

Implementation checklist

purvisd Almost 4 years ago