Introducing Xpect to Achieve starts out by telling the student
they were hand-picked for this special class that will learn about several
strategy to help them with reading, comprehension, and how they can become an
active reader. They had to start out by
writing out three things that are important to them. It was fun sharing. The students where told about all the things
that they would be expose to in this class from value of each student, connect reading
to goals or dreams and let them know they will see results if they just try in
this class.
We are learning about procedures to start, stop, or change
to different activities. That part was
easy. We learned about PRIDE and what it
stood for. We looked at what the word
Achieve stood for so they would understand I was here to teach them something
new that would help them learn better.
We had a separate area for their Start up (Do Now) and what was going to
be on the agenda. I had a separate area
for the posters and information.
The students had to learn how to talk to each other in a
safe manner and the “Talking Together Skills” helped them do learn how to take
turns, how to listen, and how to be understanding.
I introduced what guided reading was going to look
like. My students look forward to that
10 minutes of reading.
I explained how this program will close the gap in their
reading level. We complete the pretest
on Word Identification and the Word Mapping Pretest. Xpect
to Achieve does just that, it sets the tone of the Xtreme class and sets them
up for a successful year.