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Invite someone to earn your badgeInvite someone to earn your badge by clicking the "invite learners" button on the bottom right of the badge page. Add a link to the learners you've invited to complete this piece of evidence. More Info |
Tell the worldNow, link to your badge on twitter and @mention @badgelist - link to your tweet below and you'll be a Badge List quick starter! More Info |
Shannon LundgrenSlundgren |
Shawn HandranDrHandran |
Thierry van den BerghThierry-Bergh |
nasia houserhousern |
paulino brenerpaulino-brener |
Eva RodríguezEvaRodriguez |
Eva StockhauserEva-Stockhauser |
Everlyn ChimotoEva333 |
Fabrizzio CarpenaPedroFabrizzioC |
Farhan YusofFarhan-Yusof |
Fer Martinf3r |
GabrielaGabriela2 |
Gabriela H。 TerranovaGabaTerra |
Gabriele FoddisGabriele-Foddis |
Gautam Devanandgautamdev |
Gina MatíasGinaMatias |
Gloria R. FreitagMrsFreitag |