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Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated August 22, 2016 at 5:22 PM by benroome
  • Evidence visible to public
You can now copy badges from other groups! Follow the quick instructions below. Thanks!
Follow this link to the BL blog to get quick instructions on how to copy badges from an open group.

Here's a list of Badge List open groups to choose from:

Once you've got a badge, leave a link in the evidence section below so we can bask in your glory!

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Badge List

Get Started with Badge List

We're excited to help you launch your digital credentialing program. Let's get started right now.
williamchigua 6 months ago

Imagen de un pantallazo del aTube Capcher que tengo en mi computadora

aTube Catcher Official Web Site

aTube Catcher Official Web Site

The best video software
cecilialuisa 12 months ago

Phoenix Trickshot badge

Badge List

Best Phoenix Trickshot - The GR Administration

Earned performing a successful trickshot (Lands on the fairway, fringe, green, or on the hole) trickshot with a Phoenix club
jensen474 About 1 year ago

build my own badge.


gaming - Badge List

Badge List is a platform for awarding digital credentials compatible with the OpenBadge standard.
shood05 Over 1 year ago

This is a badge that can be earned by completing the Book Creator certified author program.

Badge List

Book Creator Certified Author - Book Creator

Awarded for completing Book Creator's "Certified Author" PD. awardees have watched videos, passed a quiz, and shared evidence of success.
badgelist103 Over 2 years ago

I copied a badge from: https://badgelist.com/30Goals/My-Personal-Theme-Song. I altered in to fit my needs.

Badge List

My Personal Theme Song - The Teacher Center of Cheektowaga

Chose a personal theme song for the upcoming school year.
michael-accurso Over 2 years ago

This is my badge

Badge List

Badge New Jj

Use it this badge to new members
lightlink33 Over 3 years ago


Badge List


This badge is awarded to those who have completed the requirements for the "Parents" project in the #30goalsEDU challenge.
samgray25 Over 3 years ago

Beginner badge. Join Badgelist.

Badge List

Badge Beginner - Model Schools

Created a BadgeList account and join the "MVA Viking Teachers"
kelly-nocca About 4 years ago

Badge Builder Badge

Badge List

Badge Builder - Badge List Community

People who have this badge have successfully built and awarded a Mozilla Open Badge on Badge List. This is also the quick start guide!
benroome Over 4 years ago

Usging DreamBox for Remote Learning


Using DreamBox for Remote Learning

After clicking on the image below, watch the "Begin Here!" video. Then watch the videos listed below. Complete the Using DreamBox for Remote Learning Form. *It may be helpful to take notes while watching the videos. These notes will help you with the reflection questions that must be completed for course credit and to receive your Badge.
jramos78213 Almost 5 years ago

Introduction to DreamBox Learning


Introduction to DreamBox Learning

Directions for Introduction to DreamBox Learning Module Click on the image below. The link will take you to the PDF document you will...
jramos78213 Almost 5 years ago