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Invite someone to earn your badge

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated February 1, 2016 at 6:53 PM by benroome
  • Evidence visible to public
Invite someone to earn your badge by clicking the "invite learners" button on the bottom right of the badge page. Add a link to the learners you've invited to complete this piece of evidence.

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invite users

Badge List

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Badge List helps educators, companies and professional development orgs create Open Badges to guide learning and recognize achievement.
shood05 10 months ago


Badge List

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Badge List helps educators, companies and professional development orgs create Open Badges to guide learning and recognize achievement.
ramirezmmc 12 months ago

Sent to a family member



Gmail is email that's intuitive, efficient, and useful. 15 GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access.
brayden-benson Over 1 year ago

Here is the evidence of a user invite.

Badge List

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Badge List helps educators, companies and professional development orgs create Open Badges to guide learning and recognize achievement.
michael-accurso Almost 2 years ago

Come and earn my badge for free

Badge List

Badge New Jj

Use it this badge to new members
lightlink33 Over 2 years ago

Invited a learner.

Badge List

Badge Beginner - Model Schools

Created a BadgeList account and join the "MVA Viking Teachers"
kelly-nocca Over 3 years ago

Invited earners

Badge List

Sign in to Badge List

Badge List helps educators, companies and professional development orgs create Open Badges to guide learning and recognize achievement.
benroome Almost 4 years ago

Se nuestran los invitados 4 personas

Badge List

Docentes Digitales - EducaciĆ³n para el trabajo

Este es cuando sabe Drive. Sabe hacer un blog. Sabe editar un video save facebook y sabe twitter. Sabe atube capcher
josedelarosa About 4 years ago

Two individuals - Christian Olbrich (already complete, and Sue Ou

Laurel was invited to complete one of the six badges.


Laurel Jones

slundgren Over 4 years ago

Twitter Link Requierement Evidence for Get out new Content Badgelist Create beautiful World around You


JP on Twitter

jpdevc Almost 5 years ago

Invited selected librarians to pilot this

Badge List

Kentucky Bluegrass Award

Children's choice award with five age groups, preschool through high school.
janetjwells About 5 years ago