Quick Starter Public

Badge List Community

This badge is awarded to people who are quick out of the gates to create their first successful badge group.

Required Evidence

Build or borrow a badge

You can now copy badges from other groups! Follow the quick instructions below. Thanks! More Info

Invite someone to earn your badge

Invite someone to earn your badge by clicking the "invite learners" button on the bottom right of the badge page. Add a link to the learners you've invited to complete this piece of evidence. More Info

Tell the world

Now, link to your badge on twitter and @mention @badgelist - link to your tweet below and you'll be a Badge List quick starter! More Info

Badge Experts


Shannon Lundgren


Badge awarded on 10/21/20

Shawn Handran


Badge awarded on 7/26/17

Thierry van den Bergh


Badge awarded on 9/22/23

nasia houser


Badge awarded on 9/22/23

paulino brener


Badge awarded on 4/7/17

Badge Learners


shivam tyagi


Joined badge on 6/12/19

stacy poetz


Joined badge on 2/4/17

william chiguasuque


Joined badge on 9/27/24