Proficiency in the Sentence Writing Strategy (FI)

Portfolio of Implementation

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated January 25, 2018 at 10:58 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Create a portfolio of your instruction in which you:
  1. Describe the group or student (size of group, level, student characteristics, etc.)
  2. Describe the length of implementation (weeks or months, amount of time per day, days per week)
  3. Submit student progress chart(s) without student names.
  4. Submit a narrative log of your implementation experiences (what went well and/or poorly, adjustments made if necessary, ideas generated for issues encountered,  and impact.)
  5. Submit a narrative describing coaching, feedback, and follow up, identifying your coach.

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Description of instruction

abnauman Almost 4 years ago

Narrative Describing Coaching Feedback

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jmalkerson Almost 5 years ago

Student Progress Tables - Simple & Compound Sentences - Must Open Google Spreadsheet then click 2nd tab to access the Compound Sentence Data

Google Docs

PSW - Badge List Data

Writing - Simple Sentences Proficiency with Sentence Writing Part 1 - Simple Sentences, Stage 2: Describe- Skill Sheet SV 1A , Stage 2: Describe- Skill Sheet SV 2A / 2B,Stage 2: Describe- Skill Sheet SV 3A / 3B, Stage 2: Describe- Skill SheetSV 4A/4B,Stage 2: Describe- Skill SheetSV 5A/5B, Stage...
jmalkerson Almost 5 years ago

Classroom Demographics

Google Docs

Classroom Demographics

There are seven students in my self-contained 1st Block Reading Intervention class. Six of the seven students were in my Wilson Reading Intervention classes last year. Those six students demonstrated mastery of all six syllable types during the 2018-2019 school year. The purpose of the intervent...
jmalkerson About 5 years ago

Steps of my procedures for class and instruction

tryan Almost 6 years ago


After teaching this strategy, I received several comments from the students' English and Writing teachers.  Both commented on how the students improved in their sentence writing.  They also stated they saw improvement in their Writing SOL due to this strategy.
dseward About 6 years ago

Coaching Dates and Notes Continued

Progress Monitoring Tool - Simple Sentences: Part 1The following tabs are current through Stage 7: 
Student Information 
Pre/Post - all scores entered for completed/complicated/punctuated per score sheets 
Completion Dates 
CP-Verbal practice written quiz scores entered 
AP - posttest simple sentence scores entered per score sheet
6 out of 7 students have completed their revised pretest prompt with 100% mastery for complete sentences - This included the use of the FRAME to organize their ideas and help shape the content for their sentences.TS has been suspended for 2 weeks. At this point, he is almost done with his FRAME and will continue with Stage 6 when he returns to school.5-14-18
Progress Monitoring Tool - Part 2: Compound SentencesThe following tabs are current through Stage 4: 
Student Information 
Pre/Post Tab 
Completed Stages
Scores are being entered for CP as students reach mastery.Next Steps: 
1. Enter completion dates for all students who have mastered Stage 5 under the Completion Dates tab 
2. Enter the VP (written) Quiz Score for all students under the CP tab
4 out of 7 students have reached mastery on Stage 5: CP 
The remaining students are working in Stage 5 and expected to reach mastery this week.
dseward Almost 7 years ago

Coaching Dates and Notes Continued

Proficiency in Sentence Writing 
Progress Monitoring Tool 
Simple Sentences: Part 1
Tabs current: 
-Dates of Stages 
-CP and AP
1. 5 of 7 students have completed Stage 5 and are working in Stage 6 
2. 2 of 7 students are working to master Lesson Series 3 in Stage 5
Next Steps: 
Complete literacy measure, i.e. STAR Reader on Student Info tab for Students LP, TS and VS
dseward Almost 7 years ago

Coaching Dates and Notes Continued

Proficiency in Sentence Writing: Part 1 Simple Sentences 
8th Grade 
Student Binder Review 
Current Stage of Instruction: Controlled Practice (Stage 5)
Technically Sound: 
-Binders were organized by stages of instruction 
-Progress charts were included in each binder 
-Progress charts included goal and completion dates for each stage of the strategy 
-Pretets scores recorded (all 3) on progress charts per key 
-Pretest writing prompt and score sheet was included in each student's binder 
-Scoring of pretest was completed according to evaluation guidelines 
-Cue cards, example sets, and formula cards were included for Stage 2: Describe 
-Verbal practice checklist and written quiz was completed, scored and included for each student 
-Mastery requirements followed
Next Steps: 
1. Revise goal dates for remaining stages on student progress charts to reflect current status with the strategy, i.e. Stage 5 by 3/30 - Consider timeline for number of days 
2. Add Stage 4 completed date for the following students: SL, LP, TS, and DH 
3. Record the WRITTEN quiz score on the student progress charts on the "Q" line
dseward Almost 7 years ago

Coaching Dates and Notes

8th graders completed Stage 1 of The Proficiency in Sentence Writing Strategy 
-Students completed the pretest writing prompt (chose 1 of 3 VDOE prompts) 
-Prompts were scored and feedback given 
-Outcomes include: 0 of 6 students reached mastery on complete sentences; scores ranged from 17-50%; 2 of 6 students used at least one complicated sentence and punctuated it correctly
Scoring/Feedback-Technically Sound: 
-Use of score sheet 
-Steps of scoring including numbering of lines, identifying complete/not and type of sentence and calculating scores for mastery for completed and complicated sentences used 
-Specific feedback given to students per their score sheet 
-Students engaged in feedback 
-Commitment to learn and teach the strategy and how it can support their needs
*Continue to reference the evaluation guidelines in the instructor manual
dseward Almost 7 years ago

PMT Summary

I was not surprised with students' first writing prompt results.  I knew they struggled with writing sentences but really had no idea they were that low.  Most of the students in the simple sentence stage had to complete several copies of each number series before they caught on to the patterns.  But one can look at the compound sentence PMT, and see how much faster they were able to go through the series until they rewrote the original prompt.  Students did an amazing job on the last prompt.  Sentences were well written and thought out.  I think they were even impressed with themselves!
dseward Almost 7 years ago

Group Setting

This spring, I worked with a small group of 7- 8th grade students who were reading and writing 2-3 grades below grade level.  Four of these students have an IEP.  These students came to me 3 times a week for 65 minute periods.  Even though our classes were stretched out over a whole semester, I was still able to implement the strategy on 26 instructional days.
dseward Almost 7 years ago