I instructed three different groups of 27, 26, and 30 students. The three groups are co-taught with a special education teacher. The groups include exceptional learners, (SPED/VAAP students), ELL students, students with 504 plans and students from the general population. Each groups consists of different learning levels, all of which are inclusion classes with exceptional learners. We implemented proficiency in sentence writing daily for 20-25 minutes based on the lesson for the given day, for seventeen to nineteen weeks of the first semester of the school year based on the needs of the individual groups.
Implementation experiences- What went well was the routine developed to be committed to the strategy and completing it daily. Students knew what to expect each class period, and maintained their own folders to show individual progress.The rapid-fire pace of the mini-lessons kept students engaged and focused on the lesson. As with any lesson, adjustments had to be made based on student needs. When some students were able to move on to other lesson sheets, others needed reteaching and additional practice with the lettered lesson sheets.