2020 Virtual Update Participant

Completion Date

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  • Last updated September 3, 2019 at 8:28 AM
  • Evidence visible to public

All posted evidence

Completed Assignments:

Content Enhancement Research: May 6, 2020
knguyen Over 4 years ago

Completed Assignments:

Micro Credentialing: May 5, 2020
knguyen Over 4 years ago

Assignment Completion:

The Star Writer Program: May 5th, 2020
knguyen Over 4 years ago

Assignment Completion

Literacy leadership: May 5, 2020
knguyen Over 4 years ago

Completed Assignments: Kim Nguyen

Keynote with Paula Lancaster: April 17th 
Addition w/in 20: April 17th
Addressing Dyslexia w/SIML April 24
Creating Inst. Playbook: April 29th 
Leveraging SIM Culturally Relevant Teaching: April 30
Smarter Writing: May 1
Picking the Best Research-Based Writing Program: May 4

knguyen Over 4 years ago


Everything completed/submitted except the Zoom meeting on May 7th
wiseama Over 4 years ago

Sessions I attended

I attended the following sessions:
Keynote (she was marvelous!)
Basic Addition Within 20
Coaching SIM: How to Meet Teachers Where They Are and Move Them Forward (the audio on this one was so rough!)
Co-Teaching to Support Students with Learning Disabilities
Creating an Instructional Playbook for SIM
Deep Dive: Instructional Coaching and SIM
Deep Dive: Strategic MathAddressing Dyslexia with SIM (so interesting!)
Virtual Instructional Coaching (wonder if we will be doing this later this year?)
wiseama Over 4 years ago

Completed everything except virtual webinar (5/7/2020) and the assignments we could not due to delivery issues related to COVID-19.

mpope Over 4 years ago

April 28, 2020

I have completed all components of the Virtual Conference. I will be attending the webinar scheduled for May 7th, 2020.
jgreiner Over 4 years ago

Completion Date 4/24/2020

I have completed everything except for the webinar zoom meeting scheduled for May 7, 2020. 
kimterrell Over 4 years ago

All evaluations were completed by March 23,2020.

retired6 Almost 5 years ago

Paula Lancaster - Keynote The Intersection of SIM and SLPs

I love this presentation.  This session is very powerful. This is my second time hear the entire session and I will return to watch the entire presentation again.  I have reviewed pieces of it before.  Pam and I presented on SIM coaching in NC face to face and virtually have applied the information, especially the High Leverage Practices.  Dr. Lancaster made a lot of important  connections for me.   Even more importantly, I have a better method of explaining some of the challenges of the students and ways teachers can improve their practice.  Thank you.
elizabethgibbs Almost 5 years ago