Framing Routine (SP)

2. Demonstrate Implementation with Fidelity

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated July 28, 2020 at 11:41 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Earned through demonstration of fidelity of implementation/competence in instructing a teacher to use the Framing Routine with students.

Evidence includes:

Develop a Draft Frame

Develop and post a draft Frame related to content that predicts the instruction of the content with a group or a class. Follow the Get Ready section to prepare the draft. Practice applying the Linking Steps to develop the draft. Post your draft.

Co-Construct and Instruct

Co-construct and instruct with the Frame using the Cue-Do-Review steps with a group or class. Follow the Get Set section to introduce the Frame to students.   

Use the Frame Routinely

Use the Frame routinely with a group or class. Follow the Go! and Win! sections of the guidebook    

Submit an Implementation Portfolio

Describe: • Group/Student (size, level, student characteristics, etc.) • The length of implementation (days, weeks, months, amount of time per day, days per week, etc.) Include artifacts: • Your draft and final Device • Student Devices without student names (HALO) • Post your implementation portfolio 

Submit a Log

Log: What went well - Why? What was a challenge - Why? What you will do next time What adjustments you made Ideas generated for issues encountered Etc. Post your log. 

Submit Video

Submit video to your professional developer that supports your competence. Show yourself conducting the Framing Routine, using the Cue-Do-Review process.   

If you would like to post your video to your credential (by posting a link to your video from Vimeo, YouTube, or another video hosting site) ensure that all permissions are in place or privacy settings are activated.  Posted video will be viewable by anyone who views this credential.  More than one video may be submitted to your professional developer for feedback or posted to your credential.  The video should show the Cue-Do-Review process.   Follow the Cue-Do-Review process outlined in the Cue-Do-Review Checklist. 

Note Completion Date

All posted evidence

This FRAME is used to instruct RU students to support understanding behind litigation that supports students with disabilities.


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ktbradbury About 1 year ago

Instructed teacher in Frame implementation

  • Created an agenda/plan, ppt presentation, and handouts to present the Framing Routine.
  • Spent time supporting the teacher with talking through and refining ideas on developing a frame.
  • Provided feedback and conversation around her completed device checklist and mine.
  • Viewed her presentation of her frame and co-creation with participants.
  • Provided feedback and conversation around her completed implementation checklist and mine.
  • Met with my trainer throughout this process in order to present, model, and provide feedback with fidelity.
abella Over 4 years ago

FRAMING Routine Presentation

judyf Over 5 years ago

Planning Guide

judyf Over 5 years ago

Revised skillstreaming training FRAME: better reflects info. I want my participants to know. Key topic/"is about" flow w/ main ideas/details

trina683 Over 5 years ago

Co-Constructing the Frame during lesson

trina683 Over 5 years ago

Cue-Do-Review Checklist

trina683 Over 5 years ago

Co-Constructed Student Frame

trina683 Over 5 years ago

Draft Frame

trina683 Over 5 years ago

Video link of implementation

Routine Name: SIM Frame
Do you have teacher and students samples? Yes
Have you video-taped the routine(s)? If not when if your expected date of taping? I have one video, but I'm not sure if it's any good: (Let me know if you can't see that. It's loaded on my personal drive because it was the only way to get it off my phone.)
stephanie_oneil Over 5 years ago

Several Frames


Labor Day 2019

Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
jwashburn Over 5 years ago

This is a link to my Google folder that contains additional folders for Demonstrate Implementation with Fidelity.

jmcmahna321 Almost 6 years ago