Framing Routine (FI)

5. Submit Implementation Portfolio

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated July 28, 2020 at 11:27 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Describe: •Group/Student (size, level, student characteristics, etc.) •Length of implementation (days, weeks, months, amount of time per day, days per week, etc.) Include artifacts: •Your draft and final devices •Student devices without student names (HALO) •Post your implementation portfolio
To post, upload your PDF or document using a file sharing app (such as Dropbox, Google Drive or something simpler like File Dropper)
Copy the public URL of your uploaded file to your clipboard
Paste the URL into the body of the requirements page or evidence post.  When you hit save the URL will automatically be turned into a link.
It's useful to then click on the link and make sure everything works as desired.

All posted evidence

Description of the Class(es)

The frame is going to be implemented in three different classrooms and settings. The first setting is going to be my Algebra I self-contained classroom with seven students receiving special education services for various disabilities.  The second and third classroom (Block 5 and 6) are co-taught environments where I teach with Ms. Turner for Algebra II. The Block 5 class has 29 students with 6 students with IEP's. Block 6 is 31 students with 7 students with IEP's. 

The group chosen for the artifacts to be collected was from my self-contained classroom. The frame was implemented intermittently between different minor and major assessments so that main ideas were chunked into different lessons that had quick overviews before a follow up activity was presented. 
albe7707 Almost 2 years ago

Implementation Folder. See artifacts folder inside along with blanks for frame and activity.


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albe7707 Almost 2 years ago

Zeros Activity: Murder Mystery

albe7707 Almost 2 years ago

Blank Copy of Frame Outline (ZEROS)

albe7707 Almost 2 years ago

Implementation Portfolio

This particular class has 19 total students.  There are six students who receive 504 services and 2 students with disabilities in the World History I class of 9th graders.  We meet for 90 minutes a day for one semester.  We use the FRAME Routine almost daily because we are constantly referring back to it or adding new information as we progress through a Unit.  Our school was one of the first CLC sites, so we implement and integrate various Content Enhancement Routines and Learning Strategies. 
kitwilliams Almost 2 years ago

Implementation portfolio:

voss17 Almost 2 years ago

Implementation Portfolio with class information, length of implementation, and artifacts.

benson17 Almost 2 years ago

Implementation Portfolio with Student Evidence and Draft

Google Docs

Copy of Evidence #5 FRAME Implementation Portfolio

Frame Implementation Portfolio Group Size/Students (level, student characteristics etc.) 23 Students; 11 of which are SWD; 2 teachers Length of Implementation (days, weeks, months, amount of time per day, days per week etc.) List days here: 11/9/2022, 2/9/2023, 2/15/2023- 45 minutes per s...
thend015 Almost 2 years ago

Google Folder with Evidence.

nancy-kast Almost 2 years ago

Evidence Student 2

efleming Almost 2 years ago

Evidence 1 Student Frame

efleming Almost 2 years ago

Class Description

  • Group/Student
    • This is a 3rd grade inclusion classroom of 19 total students.  Of the 19 students, 5 of these students have an Individualized Educational Plan.  Two of these students have characteristics of Autism, two have a dual diagnosis of SLI/OHI and the last student is identified as a student with OHI due to a series of medical diagnoses.  Of the 5 students with disabilities, four of these students receive pull out services for mathematics and explicit instruction for phonics.  Of the students that are not identified to receive services in special education, 2 receive math intervention and 3 are currently being evaluated for the Talented and Gifted program.    
  • Length of Implementation 
    • We utilized two instructional class periods to complete the Framing Routine for the models of multiplication.  We used the FRAME as a review activity at the end of our multiplication unit.  Each class period was a total of 60 minutes.
efleming Almost 2 years ago